Stein and Honkala arrested in protest of foreclosure giant Fannie Mae
Green Party presidential candidate Jill Stein and her vice presidential
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Green Party Nominates Jill Stein for President (CNN Video)
Green Party Presidential Nominee Jill Stein on C-SPAN's Washington Journal Stein for President
Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Acceptance Speech
Jill Stein for President
Cheri Honkala Acceptance speech for Vice President
Green Party Nominee Jill Stein and Running Mate, Activist Cheri Honkala, Video
Democracy Now! Video
Jill Stein Achieves Federal Matching Funds
Dr. Jill Stein has issued a written statement thanking her supporters for making her the first Green Party member to
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Become a Green Party State Committee Representative
We are now (until Tuesday, July 10) in the petitioning period to be elected to the Green Party of NY
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Charles Barron, Hakeem Jeffries Square Off Against Colin Beavan
[Conchita Campos at policymic 6/26/12]Much has been made of the today's Democratic primary in Brooklyn’s 8th congressional district, with controversial
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Presentation written for the Upstate Occupy Conference in Syracuse on June 16th and 17th of 2012.
One specific phenomenon that has come from anarchism and is manifested in the Occupy movement is that of resistance and creation. Resistance and creation are two actions that form a two-step process in which the first step, resistance of what exists, requires the second step, creation of what can be, in order to make use of the space of freedom that would result from the initial resistance. To be able to see resistance and creation in particular within each occupation site, it becomes necessary as a starting point to refer to the analysis found in the article “On Immanence and Occupations” written by Ian Alan Paul. The author makes use of the poststructuralist philosophy of the French thinker Gilles Deleuze in order to properly frame what is actually going on in the movement. At each occupation site, one will see resistance and creation through the deterritorialization and reterritorialization of public space and authority. Deterritorialization is a formal term meaning structures that are taken apart, while reterritorialization means structures reforming in a different way. Resistance inherently takes apart existing structures of power, while creation will reassemble new structures that better serve and empower the people. Each site, whether in New York City or Oakland or Syracuse, takes apart the defined meaning of the public space and who controls it and reformulates a new sense of space and new ownership through the use and power of the people. The result is the direct action of physically occupying the site as well as the direct democracy to form a new type of community in the site, all made possible by the strategy of resistance and creation. In this context, resistance and creation is therefore a production of desire or what can be seen as the expression of the will of the people motivated by their individual desires. This expression is through collective action, recognizing that there is a better chance for people to express their desire through cooperation than as isolated and alienated individuals. The process of desire expressed through collective action that one can see in the transition from resistance to creation is a disruption of representation. By representation, one can mean not only the attempts by the media to impose a representative identity on the movement but also the formal structure of representative democracy itself. By escaping the limits of these two types of representation, the collective action within resistance and creation exists between the one and the many, neither a monolithic group identity where all difference is snubbed out nor isolated individuals that are unable to work together to achieve common goals.
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Colin Beavan(G): Hakeem Jeffries Tries to Buy Election, Hides from Voters
Hakeem Jeffries Using Wall Street Money to Try to Buy Election while Hiding Himself from Voters, Says Fellow Candidate[caption id="attachment_11930"
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Video of Green Party US Presidential Convention
Live Video Stream of Green Party US Presidential ConventionThursday July 12 through Saturday July 15
Mitt Romney won't be the only Massachusetts resident on the presidential ballot
By Matt Viser, Globe StaffWASHINGTON – Mitt Romney isn’t the only Massachusetts resident to recently
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Colia Clark, GPNY Candidate for US Senate, at NRC Hearing, Tarrytown, NY
Colia Clark, Green Party NY Candidate for US Senate, speaks at a NRC Hearing in Tarrytown, NY May 17, 2012
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VIDEOS: Jill Stein, Roseanne Barr, Kent Mesplay via Skype - GPNY Convention 5/19/12
VIDEOS: Jill Stein, Roseanne Barr, Kent Mesplay Skype into Green Party of New York Convention May 19, 2012. Roseanne BarrKent
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Jill Stein Wins Green Party of NY State Presidential Vote
Jill Stein won the majority of votes and delegates at the Green Party of New York State's convention on Saturday
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GPNY Supporting Members Program
The Green Party of New York State announces it Supporting Members
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Evergreen Chou Is in This Race Too (Politicker)
Good government groups and Asian-American advocacy organizations are going
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"Where Are The Jobs?," GPNYS Asks Obama
The Green Party of NY State questioned President Obama's campaign swing through Albany, NY today, asking the President "where are
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Recorded Video: Roseanne Barr and Jill Stein: Green Party Presidential Forum
Co-Sponsored by the League of Women Voters; KALW-FM's Rose Aguilar moderated
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The following is a presentation given at Corning Community College for their 2012 Earth Day event.
In order to address environmental problems, and the human impact on the environment, structural sustainability is a far better method than green consumerism. Sustainability, and the living of a sustainable life, is a necessity in order to insure that the carrying capacity of the environment is not exceeded. The various ways to be sustainable can either be through green consumerism or a more structural type of sustainability that involves collective action. The first step to understand the benefits of structural sustainability is to distinguish it from the more popular practice of green consumerism. Green consumerism is the individual consumption of products, usually technology, that may allow one to be environmentally responsible. However, as an individual buying a product, this is inherently isolated from a larger sustainable project. Consumers have the illusion that they are doing something for the environment, but in reality their act of consumption prevents them from addressing the larger picture or doing anything on a large scale. Therefore, green consumerism supports green washing, corporations giving the appearance of being supportive of the environment when in fact they are practicing business as usual. For corporations, green washing is nothing but public relations, and consumers believe this image by buying products in the hope of protecting the environment. But the internal actions and drive for growth of a corporation will always limit and be a perpetual obstacle to real sustainability. Authentic sustainability will never be allowed through the green consumerism of the image put forth by green washing because it will always go beyond the goal of profit. At most, green consumerism addresses the symptoms rather than the cause of environmental damage, leaving the cause untouched. Buying hybrid cars or energy efficient lightbulbs will not protect ecosystems that human societies rely on, especially not in the long-term. Overall, the negative aspects of green consumerism is made worse by the fact that since it is through individual consumption, green consumerism is not even able to be practiced by most people due to economic conditions. If someone where able to afford buying the latest sustainable technology, they alone could be self-sufficient and truly sustainable, but their neighbors who earn less would never even have that capacity which further isolates the actions of the individual that can engage in green consumerism. Green consumerism implies the inequality of access to the proper tools of sustainability because of income. Green consumerism is thus a dead end in the realm of sustainability and a hobby that only the rich can afford.
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Green Party NY Presidential Nominating Convention, May 19, Troy
Join other New York State Greens at the Oakwood Community Center, 313 10th St.,
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Green Party prepares for the 'Occupy May Day' General Strike
WASHINGTON, DC -- Green Party members will participate in the May 1 General Strike organized by the Occupy Movement and the
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