The Green Party of New York State is governed by Rules adopted by the State Committee and on file with the State Board of Elections. Download a pdf of the Rules.
The Green Party also maintains internal Policies related to interpretation and implementation of the Rules and the conduct of the business of the State Committee. Download a pdf of the Policies.
(Amended by the Green Party State Committee on September 17, 2022)
The name of this party shall be the Green Party.
The jurisdiction of this party shall be the State of New York.
The symbol for the Green Party shall be .
The Green Party of New York is founded on the Four Pillars of Green Politics: Peace, Ecology, Social Justice, and Democracy, and our Ten Key Values: Grassroots Democracy, Social Justice and Equal Opportunity, Ecological Wisdom, Non-Violence, Decentralization, Community-Based Economics, Feminism and Gender Equity, Respect for Diversity, Personal and Global Responsibility, and Future Focus and Sustainability. The Green Party advocates for civil rights and liberties, participatory political and economic democracy, demilitarization and the abolition of war, and a sustainable environment. The Green Party unites people committed to these principles into a political party that is democratically controlled and financed by its members. The Green Party of New York is affiliated with the Green Party of the United States and the Global Greens Coordination.
- Enrolled Members: Every voter who enrolls in the Green Party as provided by statute shall be an Enrolled Member of the Green Party of New York and have all the rights of membership provided by these rules and by statute.
- Supporting Members: Any resident of New York State aged 13 and older may become a Supporting Member of the Green Party of New York upon affirmation of the rules and principles of the Green Party and payment of dues. Supporting Members shall have all the rights of membership provided for in these rules, except where prohibited by statute. Supporting Members not restricted by state law must also be an Enrolled Member of the Green Party. Supporting Members shall receive a membership card and party publications.
- Dues: Dues for Supporting Members shall be established from time to time by the State Committee. Dues shall be paid out of personal funds and payable to the Green Party of New York. One-half of the dues less administrative fees from Supporting Members residing in jurisdictions with an affiliated County Organization received by the state party during the previous quarter shall be rebated to that County Organization within 30 days after the next quarter begins every January 1, April 1, July 1, and September 1.
- Authority: The State Committee shall be the highest governing body of the Green Party of New York. It shall have full authority to set policies and goals for the Green Party, establish committees, raise and allocate financial resources, and hire staff.
- Unit of Representation: The unit of representation for the State Committee shall be the County. Affiliated County Organizations may elect their members of the State Committee at-large or by political subdivisions within the county.
- Composition: The State Committee shall be composed of members elected by enrolled Greens in affiliated County Organizations.
- Gender Equity: No more than one-half (½) of the elected members of the State Committee from each county shall be persons who gender identify as male, except for one-member delegations which may be persons who gender identify as male, female, or non-binary. One-member delegations are defined as counties that are entitled to only one state committee representative as indicated in the most recent party call.
- Voting: Each affiliated County Organization shall be entitled to one voting member plus an additional voting member for every two-hundred (200) Enrolled Members and one additional voting member for every ten (10) Supporting Members. Voting on any issue before the State Committee may be conducted through electronic methods or written ballot.
- Elections: Members of the State Committee shall be elected at the primary election in even-numbered years.
- Term: All State Committee members shall serve until the SC meeting following the next primary election at which members of the committee are elected or a vacancy is created, whichever comes first.
- Election of Members from Newly Affiliated County Organizations: County Organizations affiliated prior to a primary election shall elect their State Committee members by an internal election conducted by the County Organization open to all Green Party members in that jurisdiction.
- Annual Adjustment of State Committee Representation: The number of members of the State Committee to which each County Organization is entitled shall be adjusted annually on February 1 according to the number of Enrolled Members and Supporting Members in each County Organization on that date. If the adjustment in an odd-numbered year entitles a County Organization to additional State Committee members, then the County Organization shall conduct an internal election open to all Green Party members in that jurisdiction to elect the additional members.
- Vacancies: Vacancies shall be filled by an internal election conducted by the County Organization open to all Green Party members in that jurisdiction. Vacancies shall include unfilled seats that a County Organization is entitled to as indicated in the most recent party call.
- Removal: A member or officer of the State Committee may be removed by a two-thirds (2/3) vote of the State Committee for disloyalty to the party or corruption in office, after notice and a hearing upon written charges, to be heard by the State Committee or sub-committee appointed for that purpose, which shall report the findings to the full State Committee.
- Qualifications for Membership: Each member of the State Committee shall be an enrolled member of the Green Party residing within the jurisdiction from which such member is elected.
- Meetings: The State Committee shall meet at least twice a year at times and places to be determined by the Executive Committee or by petition of one-third (1/3) of the State Committee members.
- Notification: Notice shall be given to every Member of the State Committee by electronic or postal mailing at least five (5) days prior to the meeting.
- Agenda: The Executive Committee shall prepare the agenda for the State Committee, subject to approval by the State Committee at the beginning of its meeting. The agenda shall include any proposal or discussion item submitted to the Secretary at least 15 days prior to the meeting by the Executive Committee, an affiliated County Organization, a standing, temporary, or special committee of the State Committee, any 7 members of the State Committee, or 50 Enrolled Members.
- Quorum: A quorum for State Committee decisions shall consist of a majority of State Committee members.
- Proxies: A member of the State Committee may give proxy authority to another member through a signed and dated proxy. No member may hold more than one proxy from another member.
- Authority: The Executive Committee shall carry on the work of the State Committee when it is not in session or stands in recess. The Executive Committee shall in any county where no County Organization has been organized pursuant to these rules and Election Law exercise and discharge within such county all of the powers, functions, and duties of a County Organization as permitted by these rules or by law. All Executive Committee decisions are subject to review by the State Committee.
- Elections: Executive Committee members shall be elected by single transferable vote, with separate elections for the two Co-chairs, the Secretary, the Treasurer, and five (5) at-large members at the first meeting of each newly elected State Committee. Within three (3) days after election a certificate stating the names and post office addresses of such officers shall be filed as provided by law.
- Presiding Officer: The Executive Committee shall elect one of the two Co-Chairs to serve as the Presiding Officer for the purpose of signing and filing documents as provided by law.
- Term: All Executive Committee members shall be elected at the first State Committee meeting following the primary election in even-numbered years and shall serve a term of two (2) years or until their successors are duly elected as provided herein and by statute, or a vacancy occurs. Executive Committee members who move out of their State Committee district but within New York State may keep their offices until the end of their term.
- Voting: Each member of the Executive Committee shall have one vote. There shall be no proxy voting. Voting on any issue before the Executive Committee may be conducted through electronic methods or written ballot.
- Quorum: Quorum shall consist of a majority of the members of the Executive Committee.
- Vacancies: Vacancies of members and officers of the Executive Committee elected by the State Committee shall be filled by the Executive Committee on an interim basis, subject to ratification by a vote of the State Committee.
- Affiliated County Organizations: The Executive Committee shall affiliate no more than one county organization for each county in New York State. Affiliation shall be subject to review and approval by the State Committee meeting immediately following the affiliation decision of the Executive Committee.
Affiliation Qualifications: To qualify as an affiliated County Organization, a County Organization must provide documentation to the Executive Committee of the following:
(1) At least 75 Enrolled Members, or affirmation of five percent (5%) of the Enrolled Members in counties that have less than 75 Enrolled Members.
(2) At least 5 Supporting Members.
(3) A democratic structure defined by written rules that are consistent with the state party rules and adopted by a membership meeting announced and open to all Green Party members in the county.
(4) Proportional representation through single transferable votes in the election of officers, nomination of candidates, and the designation of State Committee members.
(5) At least one membership meeting announced and open to all members each calendar year.
(6) An elected presiding officer and secretary.
(7) A Treasurer responsible for filing all legally required campaign and financial disclosure reports and quarterly financial statements to the state Treasurer of the Green Party.
- Removal of Affiliation: The Executive Committee shall monitor the qualifications of the County Organizations and may after a hearing suspend the affiliation of a County Organization(s) for failure to maintain qualification until the next meeting of the State Committee, at which time the State Committee shall hold a hearing on the qualifications of the suspended County Organizations and then vote to remove or maintain the affiliation.
- Election: Members of the Green National Committee from New York State shall be elected by single transferable vote by the State Committee at its organizational meeting following the primary election in even-numbered years.
- Gender Equity: No more than one-half (½) of the New York members of the Green National Committee shall be persons who gender identify as male.
- Term: All National Committee members shall serve a term of two (2) years or until their successors are duly elected as provided herein.
- Vacancies: Vacancies shall be filled by election by single transferable vote by the State Committee.
The selection of delegates to a National Convention of the Green Party shall be governed by the rules of the Green Party of the United States, the Call for the National Convention, the Rules of the Green Party of New York, and New York State Election Law. The State Committee shall decide in a timely manner a process to implement the selection of delegates upon receiving a Call for a National Convention.
- Political Independence: The Green Party shall be politically and economically independent of the big banks and corporations and their political representatives in the Democratic, Republican, and allied parties that permit the running of fusion candidates on their ballot lines who are also on the Democratic or Republican ballot lines.
- Financial Independence: The Green Party and all of its candidates for public office shall not accept financial contributions from for-profit businesses, their trade associations, or associated political action committees.
- Enrolled Green Party Candidates: Green Party candidates shall be enrolled members of the Green Party unless otherwise provided for in these rules.
- Green Party Candidates Not Enrolled in the Green Party: The Green Party may nominate, designate, and/or authorize a candidate who has filed their enrollment in the Green Party, but pursuant to Election Law remains officially enrolled in another party until after the next primary election. The Green Party may nominate, designate, and/or authorize a candidate who has chosen to remain enrolled in no party.
- Candidates of Green Party Allies: The Green Party may nominate, designate, and/or authorize the candidates of other political parties or independent bodies that share Green Party principles and goals and are politically and financially independent of the big banks and corporations and their political representatives in the Democratic, Republican, and allied parties.
- Candidates of Democratic, Republican, and Allied Parties: The Green Party shall not nominate, designate, and/or authorize the candidates of the Democratic and Republican parties or any other party or independent body that has a policy that permits the nomination, designation, and/or authorization of candidates of the Democratic, Republican, and allied parties. Green candidates shall not accept ballot lines offered by the Democratic, Republican, and/or their allied parties.
- Statewide Nominations: The nomination, designation, and/or authorization of candidates for any office to be filled by the voters of the entire state shall be made by the State Committee. Substitution of such candidates shall be made by the Executive Committee.
- District Nominations: The nomination, designation, and/or authorization of candidates for office in any political subdivision of the state shall be made by a vote announced and open to only the enrolled members of that political subdivision if it is within the jurisdiction of an affiliated County Organization or Organizations.
- Multi-County District Nominations in Organized Counties: If a district comprises more than one county and at least one of the counties has an affiliated County Organization, then the nomination, designation, and/or authorization of a candidate shall be made by a meeting of the organized County Organization or Organizations.
- Multi-County District Nominations in Unorganized Counties: If a district comprises more than one county and none of the counties has an affiliated County Organization, then the nomination, designation, and/or authorization of a candidate shall be made by the Executive Committee upon the advice of Green Party members in the district.
- District Nominations within Organized Counties: If the district is wholly within a county with an affiliated County Organization, then the nomination, designation, and/or authorization of a candidate shall be made in accordance with the County Organization rules.
- District Nominations within Unorganized Counties: If the district is wholly within a county without an affiliated County Organization, then the nomination, designation, and/or authorization of a candidate shall be made by the Executive Committee upon the advice of Green Party members in the district.
- Parliamentary Authority: Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised shall govern all meetings of the State Committee and Executive Committee insofar as they are applicable and not inconsistent with these rules.
- Single Transferable Vote: The Green Party of New York shall use the following procedure for the single transferable vote in internal party elections as provided for in these rules. Voters shall cast their votes for each candidate in order of preference: 1, 2, 3, and so on. The threshold for election shall be determined by the following formula: Votes Cast / (Seats + 1) + 1 vote, rounded down to the nearest whole number. An STV election shall proceed according to the following steps:
Single-Seat Elections
(1) Any candidate who has reached or exceeded the threshold with first preference votes shall be declared elected.
(2) If no candidate meets the threshold, the candidate with the fewest votes shall be eliminated and that candidate's votes shall be transferred to the next preference listed on each ballot.
(3) Steps 1 and 2 shall repeat until a winner is found.
Multi-Seat Elections
(1) Any candidate who has reached or exceeded the threshold with first preference votes shall be declared elected.
(2) If a candidate has more first preference votes than the threshold, that candidate's surplus votes shall be fractionally transferred to other candidates according to the next preference listed on each ballot. The surplus fractional vote shall be expressed as a percentage of that candidate’s total votes: surplus percentage = (number of votes - threshold) / (number of votes).
(3) If no one new meets the threshold after the transfer of surplus votes, the candidate with the fewest votes shall be eliminated and that candidate's votes shall be transferred to the next preference listed on each ballot.
(4) Steps 1, 2, and 3 shall repeat until either a winner is found for every available seat or there are as many seats as remaining candidates.
(5) For National Committee elections and County Organization elections of members to the State Committee that require no more than one- half of all elected members to be persons who gender identify as male, if during the count the number of elected members would drop below 50 percent (50%) persons who gender identify as female or non-binary with the elimination of a remaining female or non-binary candidate, then that remaining candidate shall not be eliminated.
These rules may be amended by a majority vote of the State Committee.
These rules shall be the exclusive rules of the State Committee of the Green Party of New York. No other rules shall be effective unless approved in writing by the State Committee.
Any provision of these rules that is adjudged to be invalid or otherwise rendered inoperative by a court of competent jurisdiction shall not affect the validity of any other provision of these rules.