GPNY Platform Committee

(Section F of GPNY Policies)

1) Platform Committee. The SC will establish a standing committee charged with ongoing oversight and revision of the GPNY platform. This shall include updating the platform periodically to reflect changes needed as a result of changes to laws and regulations, technical advances, and party positions. The committee shall work to ensure that the platform is a clear, cohesive, and accessible document that reflects the four pillars and ten key values of the Green Party.

Committee members shall be elected at an SC meeting in accordance with Section E of these policies and shall be bound by the general expectations governing committees set forth therein.

The platform committee will work with the SC to announce the platform revision process to Green Party members throughout the state. The SC shall give the platform committee sufficient guidance and assistance needed to accomplish its tasks. This shall include setting up a dedicated listserv and/or forum for discussion of platform proposals open to all GPNY members and providing adequate time at SC meetings to consider any proposals relating to revision of the platform as necessary. 

2) Platform Amendments. Unless a different process for revising the platform is approved by the SC, the platform committee will:

a) While any topic can be proposed at any time, divide the platform into roughly equal parts and invite proposed revisions from the committee and enrolled Greens according to a rotating schedule between SC meetings. For example, 

    • Year 1: Sections 1-4, 5-7, 8-10
    • Year 2: Sections 11-13, 14-16, 17-19

b) At any time, the State Committee may vote, either online or at a meeting, to open up additional sections for review at the next meeting of the State Committee to meet an urgent need. This will follow established processes for proposing an online vote or an agenda item at a meeting, depending on how the vote will take place.

c) Establish a reasonable timeline for consideration of proposed amendments

d) Provide a report at every SC meeting, building in time for discussion and voting by the SC as needed on any revisions up for consideration

e) Defer voting on specific items to a future SC meeting if more time is needed for discussion, upon a motion by the SC

The revised platform will be maintained and continually accessible online for reference. 



Committee on Hiatus


Jim McCabe

Steve Bloom
Bonnie Cannan
Candace Carponter
Paul Gilman
Dave Sutliff-Atias