Find Local Greens

The Green Party is a grassroots movement, which means we really come to life at the local level. On this page you’ll find a list of Green groups to join – affiliated county organizations and locals. For information about upcoming meetings, see our Events page.

I don’t see my county listed here, how do we affiliate? Excellent question! Download our County Affiliation Workbook and we’ll get the ball rolling. If you are a college or grad student and would like to start a group on campus please get in touch

GPNY Facebook page: On Facebook | Facebook group: On Facebook | Twitter: @gpny | Instagram @greenpartyny



Albany County Green Party

Website: On Facebook 
Email: [email protected]
Chair: Daniel Plaat | [email protected]
Secretary-Treasurer: Peter LaVenia | [email protected]

Bronx Green Party

Facebook: On Facebook
Twitter: @Bx_Greens
Contact Us-Get Involved
Chair: Debra Rosario | [email protected]
Secretary: (position vacant)
Treasurer: Gil Obler | [email protected] 

Green Party of Brooklyn: Kings County

Facebook: On Facebook
Chair: (position vacant)
Secretary: Gloria Mattera | [email protected]
Treasurer: Jonathan Fluck
At-Large Officer: Anya Szykitka | [email protected]

Green Party of Erie County

Website: On Facebook
Email: [email protected]
Chair: Eric Jones | [email protected]
Secretary: C. Sandy Przybylak | [email protected]
Treasurer: Robin Connell 

Green Party of Monroe County

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: On Facebook
Twitter: @GreenPartyofMC
Instagram: @greenpartyofmonroecounty
Co-Chair: Bonnie Cannan | [email protected]
Co-Chair: Chris Edes | [email protected]
Secretary: Dave Atias | [email protected]
Treasurer: Alex White | [email protected] 

Green Party of Nassau County

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: On Facebook
Twitter: @GreenNassau
Chair: James R. Brown III | [email protected]
Secretary: Joseph Naham | [email protected]
Treasurer: Allan Hunter | [email protected] 

Green Party of New York County (Manhattan, NYC)

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: On Facebook
Twitter: @GPNYCounty
Chair: Gil Obler | [email protected]
Secretary: Christopher Archer | [email protected]  
Treasurer: Claudia Flanagan | [email protected]

Green Party of Onondaga County

Facebook: On Facebook
Chair: Michael O'Neil | [email protected]
Secretary: Mary Cregan | [email protected]
Treasurer: Frank Cetera | [email protected]

Steuben County Green Party

Facebook: On Facebook
Chair: Joe Duffy | [email protected]
Co-Secretary: Jamie Cooney | [email protected]
Co-Secretary: Susan Donderewicz | [email protected]
Treasurer: Darin Robbins | [email protected]

Web Hub for All New York City 

Email: [email protected]
Facebook page: On Facebook
Facebook group: On Facebook
Twitter: @greenpartynyc


What’s the difference between an affiliated county organization and a local?

Affiliated county organizations have gone through a process to officially affiliate with GPNY, and they have the ability to designate candidates and elect State Committee members. There is only one affiliated county organization per county. Locals are affinity groups of Green Party members and Green-allied activists, often working at the neighborhood level.

Broome-Tioga Green Party

Website: On Facebook
Chair: Rick Sprout | [email protected]
Secretary: Hannah Sprout [email protected]
Treasurer: Charles Reavis | [email protected]

Herkimer-Oneida Green Party

Website: On Facebook
Contact: Christopher Casey | [email protected]

Hudson Valley Green Party: Dutchess, Orange, and Ulster Counties

Facebook: On Facebook
Email: [email protected]
Phone: 845-699-3051 (Andrew Dalton)
Chair: Barbara Kidney (Ulster) | [email protected]
Secretary: Deb Borgono (Ulster) | [email protected]
Treasurer: Andrew Dalton (Ulster) | [email protected]
Member-at-Large: Wayne Kocher (Ulster)  
Member-at-Large: Steve Brinckerhoff (Dutchess) | [email protected]

Manhattan Greens

Chair: Daniel Vila | [email protected]
Secretary: (position vacant)

Green Party of Suffolk County

Website: Green Party of Suffolk County
Facebook: On Facebook
Chair: Roger Snyder | [email protected]
Vice Chair: Angel McCarrick | [email protected]
Vice Chair: Marisa Pizza | [email protected]
Secretary: Harry Burger | [email protected]
Treasurer: Wendy Dann | [email protected]
Press Secretary: Marisa Pizza | [email protected]
Babylon Town Representative: Harry Burger | [email protected]
Brookhaven Town Representative: Christian Jones | [email protected]
Brookhaven Town Representative: Mark Walshin | [email protected]
Huntington Town Representative: Gail Payne | [email protected]
Islip Town Representative: Drezdyn Carman | [email protected]
Riverhead Town Representative: Ian Wilder | [email protected]
Disability Caucus: Angel McCarrick | [email protected]
Diversity Caucus: Christian Jones | [email protected]
LGBTQ Caucus: Drezdyn Carman | [email protected]

Tompkins/Cortland Counties

Group is currently inactive. If you wish to connect with other Greens, contact Bill Carini at [email protected] 

Upper Hudson Green Party: Albany, Saratoga, Schenectady, Rensselaer, and Washington Counties

Email: [email protected]
Phone: 518-629-5933
Chair: Kaleb Winters 
Secretary: CJ Chapman | [email protected]
Treasurer: Tatianna Morange

Warren County Green Party

Email: [email protected]
Facebook: On Facebook 
Twitter: @wcgreens
Co-Chair: Amanda Abrams | [email protected]
Secretary: Valerie Epstein
Treasurer: Ben Lapham