Howie Hawkins Statement on Cuomo's Support of Hydrofracking
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Hawkins Offers Plan for NY Cities
Chris Caya, WNEDBUFFALO The two major party candidates in the race for Governor of New York seem to be
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Gubernatorial Candidate Howie Hawkins Talks Plans of Action While in Utica
From WKTV Utica: GARY LIBERATOREUTICA, N.Y. (WKTV) - If you haven't heard of him before, Howie Hawkins is not
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Hawkins Supports Medical Marijuana but Calls for Overall Legalization
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party
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Howie Hawkins Opposes Proposed Layoff of State Workers
Criticizes Cuomo for his Support of Illegal ActionHowie Hawkins,
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Hawkins Pledges to Help Rebuild New York Cities
Says Cuomo's Urban Agenda Describes Problem but Fails to Fund Solutions[caption id="attachment_8203" align="alignleft" width="240" caption="Howie Hawkins at the Atlantic Antic
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Metroland Newspaper Endorses Howie Hawkins for Governor
Metroland:Howie Hawkins for New York State GovernorCarl Paladino represents
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Hawkins Challenges Cuomo's Silence on NY's $16 Billion Rebate to Wall Street
Howie Hawkins Challenges Cuomo's Silence on HaltingNY's $16 Billion Annual Rebate
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Colia Clark for U.S. Senator from NYS, 2010
Colia L. Liddell LaFayette Clark is the Green
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Howie Hawkins Stands with Working New Yorkers
Howie Hawkins, Green Party candidate for Governor, stands with working New Yorkers and opposes Cuomo's anti-labor attacks.From: The
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Hawkins: I won't Fire Commissioners for Speaking the Truth
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said today that
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The Great Debate
Howie Hawkins of the "Green Party" looked and sounded the most like a legitimate major party candidate – if that
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We Finally Get Told There’s a Better Way - NY Gubernatorial Debate
[From: The Buffalo News]
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An Interview with Howie Hawkins
[From: The Free George, online magazine of Albany, Saratoga, the Lake George Region and the Adirondacks.]As part of an
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Howie Hawkins and Ralph Nader Live on the Capital Pressroom
Howie Hawkins and Ralph Nader with Susan Arbetter, from a live broadcast of the Capital Pressroom on 10/20/10.Listen.
Hawkins, Nader, Press Conference: State Bank Needed for Job Creation
Hawkins, Green Party Candidate: State Bank Needed for Job Creation(Albany) Howie
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Howie Hawkins, from The New Republic
From The New Republic online:"When the debate veered into a discussion about capping the state's sky-high property taxes, Green
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Cuomo the Second Tea Party Candidate
Billy Wharton, Bronx County Independent Examiner, October 19th, 2010
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Howie Hawkins Closing Statement at 10/18 Debate
Howie Hawkins' closing statement at made at 10/18/2010 Governor's Debate at Hofstra University.(View the entire debate at
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Debate: Hawkins Calls for Green Jobs, Single Payer Health Care for All
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, said tonight at the
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Third-party gubernatorial candidates push for ban on hydraulic fracturing
[From: The Ithaca Journal] While no major party gubernatorial candidates in either state have carried the banner for a
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Political Lawyers, Trust and Money
Browse other videos from the Howie Hawkins campaign.