The economic theories of both Binary Economics and Social Credit offer a solution to the gap between labor and capital that is the inherent flaw of capitalism, while each theory addresses the problem from a different perspective.
Binary Economics and Social Credit both seek the convergence of production and consumption, recognizing that producers in one section of the economy are also consumers in another section.Binary Economics proposes widespread capital distribution through various structures such as Employee Stock Ownership Plans and Community Investment Corporations to expand capital ownership. The problem that is addressed is the fact that labor and capital both produce value, but capital has the ability to overshadow the power of labor in capitalism. As ownership of human labor fails to provide for human needs, there is the need to expand capital ownership where workers, consumers, and residents would be voting shareholders of economic enterprises and be the recipient of dividends from those capital assets. This capital distribution would begin with interest-free loans that would develop the various mechanisms such as ESOPs, and the loans would be paid off from the initial dividend payments. Binary Economics understands that the economic sphere is the equivalence of labor and capital in order to function, and that capital distribution is the method for their convergence. This convergence of labor and capital acts as a supplement to production.
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Green Party Releases Questionnaire for Mayoral Candidates
For Immediate ReleaseDecember 31, 2010Local Green Party Releases Candidate Questionnaire for Mayoral CandidatesRochester, NY -- The Green Party of Monroe
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Open Letter to Gov. Cuomo from Howie Hawkins, 2010 Green Party candidate for Governor of NY
[GPNY Co-chairs Howie Hawkins and Peter LaVenia on WAMC, the NPR affiliate in the Capital Region. ]An Open Letter
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Volunteers needed for issue work
The NY Green Party State Committee has established an issues committee to help coordinate state level work around issues critical
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Green Party NY Urges a Full Hand Count of Ballots in 7th Senate District
The Green Party of New York said today that
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NY Green Party Says Paterson's Hydrofracking Order Doesn't Provide Adequate Protection
NY Green Party Says Paterson's Executive Order on Hydrofracking of Natural Gas Doesn't Provide Adequate Protection for Public Health and
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Green Party certified as ballot qualified Party in NY; elects statewide officers
The Green Party was officially certified Monday December 14 by the NYS Board of
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Obama's tax package blows up the deficit, undermines Social Security
GREEN PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES Obama's compromise tax package will blow up the deficit, undermine
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Greens to Run Candidate for Mayor
Rochester, NY -- In response to the Rochester City Council’s voting in private and ignoring citizens’ desire for democracy,
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News Release: Local Green Party Elects County Committee
Rochester, NY -- On the same day the Green Party of New York State became an official constituted party, the
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Attacks on Wikileaks threaten freedom of the press, enable government officials to commit crimes with impunity
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Hawkins Urges Cuomo to Support Campaign Finance Reform
Hawkins, Green Party, Urges Cuomo to Include Public Campaign Finance Reform and Proportional Representation as Part of Ethics Reform
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Green Party Co-Sponsors Human Rights Day
Green Party of Monroe County Co-Sponsors: Human
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The breaking up of the social field is one of the most important side effects of the overreliance on the
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The breaking up of the social field is one of the most important side effects of the overreliance on the market structure in capitalism, and requires an indepth analysis of its nature.
The current state of economics that humans find themselves in can be called late capitalism or, more accurately, neoliberalism. Neoliberalism can be described as the active implementation of the logic of the market toward all aspects of the society and enforced by a set of political techniques that goes beyond the traditional actions of the state. Everyone must act as market actors and also must internalize market discipline in their everyday choices and social interactions. The clear result of such a rationality is the breaking up of the social as a separate sphere of human action that would in fact precede any economic system. The transition from the society to the market in neoliberalism creates a drastic shift in human experiences and existence. It therefore begs the question as to whether this taking apart of the social field is necessary or truly warranted.
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Outraged [Green Party] Teachers Apply for Jobs at Hearst
Members of the Green Party appeared on WBAI's "Education at the Crossroads" hosted by Basir Mchawi, on Thursday 12/2. Show archives are
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Green Party urges rejection of proposal by Obama's Fiscal Responsibility Commission to scale back Social Security and Medicare
Green Party leaders called on Congress and the American people to reject a proposal by President Obama's Commission on Fiscal
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Green Party results on Election Day: ballot status in Massachusetts, New York, and Texas
The Green Party regained ballot status in three states on Election Day 2010 and Green Mayor Gayle McLaughlin was reelected
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NY State Green Party Declares Victory, Reclaims Ballot Line
With 32% of precincts counted and more to come in, the New York State Green Party declared victory at 11:30
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NY Election Results, Statewide Races
Vote Howie Hawkins for Governor - Green Party - Line F
Find your polling place here. Howie Hawkins Polls are open from 6 AM to 9 PM across the
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Green Party of NY 2010 Statewide Slate
Left to right: Julia Willebrand for Comptroller, Cecile Lawrence for US
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Vote Single Payer - Vote Hawkins for Governor, Green Party, Row F
A single payer health care system - at the federal or state level - remains the best solution for the
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Hawkins Challenges Cuomo to Oppose Paterson's Efforts to Leave Superfund
Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for Governor, today called on Democrat Andrew Cuomo
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