The NY Green Party State Committee has established an issues committee to help coordinate state level work around issues critical to the green agenda in NY. We are looking for volunteers.
Please contact Mark Dunlea or Gloria Mattera if you would like to be on the issues committee. Please let us know what role you would like to play (e.g., work on a particular issue, receive action alerts).
Most green work on issues take place on the local level, so we can put you in contact as well with local Green Party groups across the state.
Our success in getting back our ballot line means we will get a little more attention from the mainstream media than before. There is a critical need for a strong progressive voice at the state level, especially with Governor elect Cuomo joining in the bi-partisan effort to respond to the Great Recession with an austerity program of protecting tax cuts for the wealthy, attacking benefits for public employee unions, and slashing funding for essential public services.
Some of the key Green issues being looked at for 2011 include: a ban on hydrofracking for natural gas; education; state budget / progressive revenue options; single payer health care; climate change; and peace/ cut the military budget.
Mike Bernard is helping to coordinate our work on the hydrofracking issues.
Elizabeth Shanklin is serving as our contact on education issues.
The Greens are considering a spring issues conference, as well as a meeting on the progressive tax issues (stock transfer tax, etc)
There is also the possibility of a state legislative conference in Albany in February.
Happy holidays and a Green New Year
P.S. You can register to vote as a Green Party member at any time
Please contact Mark Dunlea or Gloria Mattera if you would like to be on the issues committee. Please let us know what role you would like to play (e.g., work on a particular issue, receive action alerts).
Most green work on issues take place on the local level, so we can put you in contact as well with local Green Party groups across the state.
Our success in getting back our ballot line means we will get a little more attention from the mainstream media than before. There is a critical need for a strong progressive voice at the state level, especially with Governor elect Cuomo joining in the bi-partisan effort to respond to the Great Recession with an austerity program of protecting tax cuts for the wealthy, attacking benefits for public employee unions, and slashing funding for essential public services.
Some of the key Green issues being looked at for 2011 include: a ban on hydrofracking for natural gas; education; state budget / progressive revenue options; single payer health care; climate change; and peace/ cut the military budget.
Mike Bernard is helping to coordinate our work on the hydrofracking issues.
Elizabeth Shanklin is serving as our contact on education issues.
The Greens are considering a spring issues conference, as well as a meeting on the progressive tax issues (stock transfer tax, etc)
There is also the possibility of a state legislative conference in Albany in February.
Happy holidays and a Green New Year
P.S. You can register to vote as a Green Party member at any time
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