News Release: Local Green Party Elects County Committee

Rochester, NY -- On the same day the Green Party of New York State became an official constituted party, the

Green Party of Monroe County held elections to pick its County Committee. Elected on Monday night were: Vinessa Buckland and Scott Brant as Co-Chairs, Michael Hendrick as Treasurer and Dave Atias as Secretary. Earlier in the day, the State Board of Elections certified the Green Party candidate for Governor in last month’s election as receiving 59,928 votes, surpassing the 50,000 needed to give the Green Party ballot status in New York State. Later that evening, the local Greens held their own elections to give the County Party its committee.

Vinessa Buckland, a recent graduate of SUNY Brockport with a Bachelors in Political Science and Philosophy was elected Co-Chair of the party. She has been heavily involved in local activism, including issues on Gay, Lesbian, Bi, Transgender issue advocacy and civil liberties, serving on the board of the Genesee Valley Civil Liberties Union for two years. She recently switched to the Green Party. “I am excited to see the Green Party get its ballot status back and I look forward to help in its growth in Monroe County,” said Buckland.

Scott Brant has been active in the Green Party since 2002. He is active in many organizations involving animal rights and environmental activism and is currently The Director of Business Development for, a charitable business that features daily deals on organic products via the web. Brant commented, “I’m excited to see the transformation of politics in Monroe County as it shifts from the traditional two party system. I’m glad to be taking an active roll in sharing the Green Party's message.

Michael Hendrick, graduated St. John Fisher college with a B.A. in History and secondary education, and received a Masters in History from SUNY Brockport. The last several years Hendrick had been living in South Korea teaching English at Giheung High School. Recently he has been involved in the Green Party of Monroe county and has plans to be involved with future Green party candidates.

Dave Atias is a long-time Green who has previously served as Co-Chair and Secretary of the party. He has also run for the Rochester City School Board twice and has sat on numerous boards and steering committees of local activist and advocacy groups. “I am thrilled to be a part of this group of political activists who are ready to provide a true electoral choice for those who are sick of the status quo. I cannot wait to present candidates who have a real vision of what our community can achieve,” Atias said after his election as Secretary.

With the election of the County Committee, the Green Party will now have the capacity to run a candidate if the Rochester City Council decides to call for a special election to replace outgoing Mayor, Bob Duffy.

For more information contact:
Scott Brant: 585-698-6928
Dave Atias: 585-315-7687