Video from NY Green Fest
Videos produced by Cris McConkey(More videos at: The Blog of the Social Justice Council of the First Unitarian
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The following is part three of a series that explores various current economic aspects in a way that illustrates the possibility for new alternatives rather than mapping out detailed new plans.
The cooperative is the epitome of economic democracy, as well as the direct alternative to the corporation. The corporate model has existed for so long, since the creation of the British East India Company in 1600, that it has firmly entrenched itself into the unconscious of humans living within capitalism. Corporations have subsumed attempts to fight it throughout history and has incorporated a false language of freedom without any structural background behind it. The cooperative, in contrast, may at first appear utopian or idealistic. But the cooperative, as the expression of economic democracy, is a working assemblage of a principle that empowers humans much more than being mediated by undemocratic corporations and a commodified culture. To understand the importance of a particular cooperative in a community, it is vital to understand the relationship of economic democracy to the idea of democracy in general.
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A Night With Reverend Billy
[From NY Press]By: Gwen OrelMidway through the "Elect-a-llujah" for Reverend Billy Talen’s mayoral benefit at the Highline Ballroom
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Video of the Green Party - US Annual Meeting
[caption id="attachment_2850" align="aligncenter" width="300" caption="Single Payer Forum"][/caption]For the first time, the
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Green Party Forum on Single-Payer Health Care Funding Friday in Durham, NC
The Green Party will present a public forum on the need for a Single-Payer
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2010 is fast approaching. For the Green Party of New York State that means a chance to regain ballot status.
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Media events at the Green Party's 2009 national meeting in Durham, NC: Cynthia McKinney speaking on Gaza relief efforts; public forum on health care reform; Green candidates and officeholders
National meeting at North Carolina Central University takes place July 23-26McKinney, now in Egypt on the Viva Palestina convoy, will
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2010 is fast approaching. For the Green Party of New York State that means a chance to regain ballot status. We need to find a slate of candidates who will best represent our core values and also excite the people of NY. We are hoping to announce our candidates by February 2010, which means we need to start thinking about the selection process now.Our candidate for Governor is the key to future ballot access. If s/he receives at least 50,000 votes then all GP candidates for all offices in NY State will have ballot status in subsequent elections, at least until the next race for Governor, without the onerous petitioning requirements we have now. (Ballot-status parties have dramatically reduced petitioning requirements.) Ballot status also gives us more standing politically when we ask to be included in debates, seek coverage in the news media, etc.
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Green Party, preparing for 2009 national meeting, ask: Is America ready for a real opposition party now?
Citing Democrats' votes for war funding and retreats on health care, Greens call Dems "the new wing of the GOP"
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Working Families Party Locks the Progressive Candidate out of NYC Mayor Debate
[Via On the Wilderside]The Working Families Party sold the pro-war candidates of Clinton and Spitzer as
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Cynthia McKinney calls from Israeli prison
Israel to deport Cynthia McKinney, others
From: Green Party WatchJuly 2nd, 2009 by Gregg Jocoy
Fox Newsis reporting that the authorities in Israel
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Cynthia McKinney aboard detained Free Gaza Movement relief boat
WASHINGTON, DC -- 2008 Green presidential nominee Cynthia McKinney is participating in a second
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Greens call for new GAO, Congressional Budget Office studies on Single-Payer health care
Past federal studies on Single-Payer show it will provide universal care while cutting costs, say Greens, who seek a nationally
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The use of civil unions instead of same-sex marriage does not adequately address the reality of love or the unique
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The use of civil unions instead of same-sex marriage does not adequately address the reality of love or the unique nature of each human.
In the aftermath of the passing of Proposition 8 in California, there has been much debate about whether or not gay marriage is an issue that most of America is willing to support. This debate has illuminated a comparison between same-sex marriages and civil unions, with many arguing that civil unions allow legal rights without extremely changing the definition of marriage. Though there is a kernel of truth in this argument, if one is only looking at legal rights, there is also the need to address the fact that civil unions and same-sex marriage exist independently of each other and describe an overall different social reality. Though the current trend is toward equal legal rights regardless of gender in the relationships, the linguistic and meaningful difference between marriage and civil unions reveals much more than the fight for legal rights.
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Green Party Decries Senate Coup and Calls for Grassroots Resistance
The New York State Green Party decries the latest power play in the NY State Senate. The leadership coup on
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Green Party leaders: Economic recovery plans from Obama and Congress favor giant corporate lenders, Wall Street firms, and insurance companies over the needs of Americans
Green Party leaders said today that measures to end the recession must focus on the financial needs of middle- and
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Green Party to hold 2009 national meeting in Durham, North Carolina, July 23-26
The Green Party of the United States will hold its 2009 Annual National Meeting in Durham, North Carolina, from Thursday,
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Green Party leaders challenge Sen. Baucus and defenders of private insurance to debate Single-Payer advocates
Green Party leaders challenged Sen. Max Baucus (D-Mont.) and other defenders of health care reform based on private insurance to
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An Economic Stimulus Plan Within The Green Alternative
By Hank Bardel:This Economic Stimulus Plan has been created basically to quickly inform masses of people on how we as
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An Economic Stimulus Plan Within The Green Alternative
By Hank Bardel:
This Economic Stimulus Plan has been created basically to quickly inform masses of people on how we as a people, through our elected government, can stimulate the American economy. Obviously it is not designed to go into needed details at this point. At some point in the future details can be filled in.
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Greens prepare for the national Day of Action promoting Single-Payer national health care on May 30
Green Parties are planning various events and actions for the national Day of Action for Single-Payer national health care (Medicare
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America needs Single-Payer, not the public health care option, say Greens
Green Party leaders and health care reform activists said today that the 'public health care option,' promoted by many Democrats,
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