Green Party Response to the NY State of the State

The Green Party of New York State calls Gov. Paterson’s response to New York State’s ongoing economic and political crisis Continue reading

Haiti, How You can Help

Doctors Without Borders/Médecins Sans Frontières has treated thousands of patients in Haiti, and set up an inflatable hospital. Continue reading

January 25th Rally in Albany to Protect our Environment from Natural Gas Drilling

Green from across the state will be participating in a RALLY in West Capitol Park in Albany, Monday, January 25th Continue reading

Green Party of PA notes pro-drilling stance of Shale panel

Green Party of PA notes pro-drilling stance of Shale panel: Asks League Continue reading


A process toward democracy is also a process toward sustainability, and the two approaches support each other through an emphasis on immanent structures. Democracy and sustainability have been two important elements within various leftist movements for at least the past twenty years. They have been addressed separately involving very vital issues of the environment and empowerment of the people, but there is also a deep connection between the two that may not be obvious at first. Some have argued that true sustainability is possible only through a unilateral top-down type of public management, but the goals that can be achieved through sustainability are most compatible with a democratic society. It is important to describe the characteristics of democracy and sustainability in order to see how they can converge and complement each other in such a way as to realize justice and the survival of ecosystems in tandem. Continue reading

Green Party of New York Decries Senate Health Care Sellout

The Green Party of New York State decries the “historic” deal Continue reading

Green Party leaders: US in Copenhagen summit helped kill necessary steps against global warming

GREEN PARTY OF THE UNITED STATESGreen Party leaders: US negotiators at the Copenhagen summit helped kill necessary measures against Continue reading

Green Party of Suffolk Supports Council Districts in Huntington, NY

"The Green Party of Suffolk supports the proposition to bring council districts to Huntington town," said Continue reading

Global Greens call for honest, scientifically sound climate agreement

As the Copenhagen COP enters its second week, the Global Continue reading


The ideal of the free market obscures the reality of an economic system that perpetuates a strict division between worker Continue reading


The ideal of the free market obscures the reality of an economic system that perpetuates a strict division between worker and owner that also perpetuates systemic inequality. The nature of capitalism may have the appearance of an economic system used to express the freedom of the individual, but it is also a system that strives to reproduce itself across space and time. Capitalism has a general characteristic and a particular characteristic. In general, the freedom of choice that might be perceived is in fact a local pocket of no restriction that is always embedded in a global restructuring of an ideology that presents capitalism as the only choice. On the other hand, capitalism in particular is an immanent structure created by humans like any economic system that eventually becomes a transcendent structure. It moves from being a specific tool to a universal law. When capitalism becomes this universal law, there is an inverting of the relationship between the social and the economic. The economic is expanded from its original use as a subset of a society to a containment of all social relationships. Capitalism therefore establishes a procedure of social control in the economic sphere as it grows and becomes a transcendent system. Continue reading

Shame on Press Already Calling President Obama's Plan an "Exit Strategy"

A statement by Cynthia McKinney Many in the special Continue reading

Green Party opposes escalation, urges Obama to announce US troop withdrawal from Afghanistan in his Dec. 1 speech

Green Party leaders called on President Obama to reverse his Afghanistan policy by pledging an immediate cease-fire in the Afghanistan Continue reading

You Get What you Vote For!

[From Cindy Sheehan's Soapbox]By Cindy Sheehan[Cindy Sheehan endorsed Green Party Presidential candidate Cynthia McKinney Continue reading

Steuben County Green Party Joins Call for Gas Drilling Ban

Signs at DEC Hearing in Corning, Nov. 18, 2009. Photo by Continue reading

Green Party Calls for Moratorium on Tasers in Suffolk

[From Green Party of Suffolk]Green Party Calls for Moratorium on Tasers in Suffolk"The Green Party of Suffolk is Continue reading


The Bill Of Rights, especially the first amendment, requires interpretation and analysis not in order to create new legal meaning Continue reading

How to Negotiate like a Democrat

See the whole cartoon at Troubletown


The Bill Of Rights, especially the first amendment, requires interpretation and analysis not in order to create new legal meaning but to discover the original meaning of the text in synchronization with a changing world. It can be argued that the first amendment of the Bill Of Rights is the most important amendment. Certainly, it is one of the most argued over in all periods of American history. This continuing debate itself is a sign of good health in a democracy. In putting into practice the right to free speech, right to assemble peacefully, freedom from and for religion, and to petition the government one finds that courts have tried to look into original intent. This means finding the mentality of the founders, which requires inspection of the actual wording of the amendment. As text, it is a trace that presents the absence of speech first and foremost. This absence points to the use of text to convey meaning beyond long distances and spans of time. But the text, as being the final word of authority, is actually a continual recitation of a limited meaning since there can not be elaboration from the isolated inscribed words. More can not be said by looking at the finite words as they are detached from the original utterance. Continue reading

Greens blast the anti-choice Stupak Amendment

Green Party leaders today called the Stupak Amendment in the recently passed US House bill on health care reform a Continue reading

Green Party Candidate Hawkins Arrested During Health Care Protest Party candidate Howie Hawkins was arrested Wednesday afternoon during a peaceful protest in Syracuse, NY. About a Continue reading

Green Party Election Results

Non-offical returns for all NY Green Party Candidates.Allen CarstensenTown Supervisor, UlyssesRoxanne Marino (Dem) 693 88%Allen Carstensen (Grn) 91 Continue reading

The Rev. Billy Talen on Running for NYC Mayor Rev. Billy Talen, running for mayor of New York City on the Green Party ticket, tells WSJ's David Weidner Continue reading

Donate to the Green Party of NY, Get a Green Party T-Shirt

For a limited time, donations of $15 or more entitle you Continue reading