GPNY Supports GPUS Statement on the Puerto Rican Day Parade

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The Green Party of the United States, led by the party's Latinx Caucus, affirmed its support for the 60th annual Puerto Rican Day Parade in New York City on Sunday, June 11. "Greens called for the release of Oscar López Rivera long before President Obama commuted his prison sentence during the final days of the Obama Administration. We're pleased to see him honored as 'Procer de la Libertad' -- National Freedom Hero -- in the Puerto Rican Day Parade," said Hector López, a member of the Green Party of Connecticut. Continue reading

2017 Platform

View the First Draft produced by the 2017 Platform Process, feedback welcome!   The Green Party of New York will renew our platform at our state committee and rank-and-file gathering on May 20, 2017 in Rensselaer, New York. ... and the GPNY Platform Committee needs your help to ensure our platform is sharp and up to date in articulating the demands of our movement. The Platform Committee is inviting all Green Party members to contribute proposed planks to a draft platform, on the issues you are active in and/or for which you have expertise. Continue reading

Rest in power, Lynne Stewart

The Green Party of New York mourns the loss of Lynne Stewart, the People's Lawyer and tireless warrior for justice, and expresses condolences to family and close friends. Stewart died at her home on Tuesday after suffering a stroke last week. Lynne Stewart spent most of her career defending the poor, the unwanted and sometimes controversial who were mistreated or ignored by the legal system. Continue reading

GPNY Co-Chair Speaks Against Bag Bill

New York, New York — Green Party of New York co-chair Gloria Mattera stood among fellow Greens and environmental allies to speak on the anti-democratic bill the state senate sent to the Governor. The bill prevents New York City from implementing a law passed by city council to reduce plastic bag waste in the city. The bill singles out New York City while leaving legislation in other jurisdictions in place. Continue reading

GPNY Stands Up For Health Care!

GPNY showed up outside Trump Towers on Friday, January 13th to demand Health Care Justice. Continue reading

Shame on Cuomo! We Have A Right To Boycott For Human Rights

New Yorkers descended on Albany on June 15 to denounce Governor Cuomo's Executive Order attacking the international, nonviolent, boycott, divestment, and sanctions movement for Palestinian human rights. Rosa Clemente, Green Party 2008 Vice Presidential candidate and Black Lives Matter Upstate Organizer, spoke to a crowd in the NYS Capital during Freedom to Boycott Rally.  Continue reading

Dr. Jill Stein Wins 89% of GPNY Presidential Convention Vote, Robin Laverne Wilson Rallies For US Senate

Dr. Jill Stein, candidate for the Green Party presidential nomination, and US Senate Candidate Robin Laverne Wilson at a fundraiser in May. Photo by Gabriele Holtermann-Gordon Dr. Jill Stein addressed a cheering crowd at the Green Party of New York's presidential nominating convention on Saturday, where she won 89% of the vote and 16 NY delegates to the national convention in August. The GPNY gathering, which included renewing the state platform, organizing workshops and the chance to meet local candidates, drew a crowd of 100 Greens and allies to the Oakwood Community Center in Troy, NY. Presidential candidate Bill Kreml, a scholar of political theory and American government, also won a delegate in the contest. Continue reading

I remember Earth Day's beginning. Will you fight for its future?

I was a young teenager when the first Earth Day was celebrated in NYC over 40 years ago. It was a day of fun, excitement and a sense of purpose among 20 million people from all over the city and beyond. It helped launch the modern environmental movement and was soon followed by legislation that established protections for our air, water and land. But the millions who pledged a commitment to Mother Earth went unheeded by the 1% and their paid-off Democratic and Republican politicians, who allowed natural resources to be extracted at a devastating rate while deadly carbon and methane spewed into the atmosphere. Continue reading

Making sense of the Renewable Revolution

Here in New York State there are a number of proposals for overhauling the energy system to eradicate greenhouse gas emissions. Among these is the call to make New York State 100% renewable by 2030. A study by Stanford Professor Mark Jacobson[1] outlines what that system might look like in terms of energy sources. A transition of this nature is no small undertaking; no one said climate change would be comfortable! The real question then, is not whether such an endeavor should be considered, but what will it really take to make it happen. Current estimates put the price tag at $460 billion[2]. Superficially, that answers the question, but what does $460 billion really mean? How do we make sense of such a huge number? It's like hearing about "millions of light years" in astronomy documentaries. We know it’s a big number, but we really don’t have a way of contextualizing it. So let’s compare that number, and what’s required to spend it, with things people have already done. How doable is $460 billion? Continue reading