View the First Draft produced by the 2017 Platform Process, feedback welcome!
The Green Party of New York will renew our platform at our state committee and rank-and-file gathering on May 20, 2017 in Rensselaer, New York.
... and the GPNY Platform Committee needs your help to ensure our platform is sharp and up to date in articulating the demands of our movement.
The Platform Committee is inviting all Green Party members to contribute proposed planks to a draft platform, on the issues you are active in and/or for which you have expertise.
This is a great opportunity for you to help sharpen our message with a statement that speaks to the issues you care about during this year's local elections and .
In order to circulate drafts to Greens before the May 20 convention, we have a timeline for each step of this process.
We are using a groundbreaking online tool to accept and discuss submissions, called Loomio. Visit our Loomio page now, sign up (it's free!) and request to join the group!
Not sure how to use Loomio? Check out the video from our live tele-training!
If you find that you are able to use Loomio, please start entering your planks and commenting on existing ones!
View the current platform at
2017 Platform Timeline
- Contribute plank ideas and comment on existing ones via Loomio: Right Now!
- First Facebook Live Video training on Loomio: Thursday, Feb 16 (8:35 pm - 9:30 pm) RSVP here.
- First Deadline for Submission of Planks: March 11
- First Draft Sent: March 18
- Suggested Timeframe for Affiliated Counties / Locals to Discuss Platform: weeks of March 20, 27, April 3
- Deadline for Feedback on First Draft: April 8
- Second Draft Sent: April 15
- Deadline for Feedback on Draft: April 29
- Final Draft Circulates: May 13
- 2017 State Committee Meeting & Rank and File Meeting for Platform Vote: May 20
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