Green Party Calls for Single Payer Health Care; Climate Action; A Ban on Plastic Bags; and Mass Transit Funding
The Green Party of New York State announced its four top state legislative priorities for 2018: enact a statewide single payer universal health care program; enact a Green New Deal to promote full employment and accelerate the transition to 100% clean energy; provide $40 billion or more in funding for mass transit in NYC and statewide; and enact a statewide ban on plastic bags.The Party will continue to support a broader legislative agenda, including pushing for campaign finance and political reform, criminal justice reform, immigration (DREAM Act) and equal rights, local government revenue sharing, and affordable housing.
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Green Party of New York Declines to Endorse Constitutional Convention Vote
The Green Party of New York (GPNY) State Committee made a decision at its quarterly meeting on Saturday, September 16 to issue a statement that it would decline to endorse either the pro or con side of the New York State Constitutional Convention vote in November.
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Primary Day Means Dems and Republicans Stealing Third Party Ballot Lines Through Obscure Laws, Says Green Party of NY
One of the Dirtier Tricks From This Primary Season: Fake Mailer Using Howie Hawkins' Name and Likeness
ALBANY--The Green Party of New York (GPNY) called on Gov. Cuomo and the state legislature to make immediate changes to New York election law to ban Opportunity-To-Ballot (OTB) petitions and primary elections. Green Party officers stated that OTB has been used by Democrats and Republicans to attempt to hijack the Green ballot line across the state this year. Green Party members have reported people who registered as Greens specifically to sign OTB petitions for Democratic and Republican candidates. Greens also mentioned the OTB law violates the spirit of closed primaries that are the law in New York State.
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Sanderson-Smith Announces Run For NYC City Council
Persephone Sanderson-Smith Announces Run For NYC City Council
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Replace ACA and Avoid AHCA with New York State Health Act
Albany --- At a time of federal attacks on healthcare funding, New York legislators should take action to protect and expand healthcare access by sponsoring and voting on New York Health this session. The Green Party of New York wholeheartedly endorses the New York Health Act (A. 4738/S.4840) which would guarantee healthcare for all New Yorkers and calls on the Legislature and Governor to make the bill into a law immediately. Party officers pointed out the just-introduced Republican AHCA would have significant negative impacts on coverage for New Yorkers and health care cost for state government, and that Gov. Cuomo’s budget proposal has no plan to deal with changes to the ACA. The New York Health Act would solve these problems, cover all New Yorkers and lower costs.
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Lane Announces Run for New York City Public Advocate
James Lane Announces Run for New York City Public Advocate
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Plaat Announces Run for Mayor of Albany
Dan Plaat Announces Run for Mayor of Albany
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