More Green-Rainbow voters go to the polls; Party looks forward to bigger strides locally.
The Green-Rainbow Party learned the results of its February 5th presidential primary last week, which saw an increase in participation
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Green 'Peace Party' positions against the Iraq and Afghanistan wars compared to pro-occupation Clinton, Obama, and McCain
Green Party leaders today compared the Green demand for an immediate end to the occupations of Iraq and Afghanistan to
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Press Release: Greens Victorious in Campaign to Remove Robert E. Lee Quote from Tax Decal
The Arlington Green Party expressed satisfaction today that its campaign to remove a quote from Confederate General Robert E. Lee
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California Greens wish Matt Gonzalez well as he leaves Green Party to fight for ballot access as VP on Nader independent ticket
The Green Party of California reacted favorably today to reports that former president of the San Francisco Board of Supervisors
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Greens urge economic pressure and cutoff of all military aid to Israel as Gaza situation worsens
Calling the Siege of Gaza an international emergency, the Green Party is urging Congress to reject President Bush's FY2009 budget
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Greens respond to Ralph Nader's decision not to seek the Green Party nomination
Green Party leaders expressed their disappointment in Ralph Nader's decision, announced on Thursday, not to seek the 2008 Green presidential
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Green Party Presidential Candidates
Ralph Nader declared today (2/28) that he is no longer seeking the Green Party nomination for president, and Jared
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Presidential Candidate Kat Swift To Appear At Muslim American Forum Feb. 29
Green Party presidential candidate Kat Swift will attend the Muslim American Society's Meet the Candidates forum Feb. 29 in Austin,
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Judge Tells District to Settle Benning Library Case
On Friday, February 15, Superior Court Judge Judith E. Retchin handed plaintiffs in Tingling-Clemmons v. Fenty another victory when she
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DC Statehood Green leader Asa Gordon to speak on the Supreme Court's Bush v. Gore ruling (2000)
DC Statehood Green Party leader Asa Gordon will deliver a lecture on "Supreme Redemption: Larceny, the Elections and the US
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