Greens To Hold First Ever 2nd Congressional District Convention Scott Deshefy To Seek Green Nomination
The Green Party of CT will hold a Nominating Convention on Saturday, April 12, 2008, at 2:00 pm, at the
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Green Party Election Success
In addition to the victories of David Doonan and Roger Sherman in New York, the following Greens have won so
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Thanks to everyone who donated to support the recent GPNY fund drive. If you haven't donated, please know that the
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DC Statehood Green Party urge support for the Reconstruction Platform
Statehood Greens noted that the Reconstruction Party is consistent with the Green Party's platform, positions, & principles, and that Greens
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DC Statehood Greens support DC Council Bill 17-0527 to stop the public property land grab in Washington, DC
The DC Statehood Green Party supports passage of DC Council Bill 17-0527, to prevent District government from disposing public properties
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Green Party Update On The 2008 Election
Illinois Greens select US Senate candidate, run record number of US House candidates . . . Cynthia McKinney wins Wisconsin
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Cynthia McKinney Wins Big in Wisconsin
he Wisconsin Green Party Spring Gathering and Presidential Preference Convention was held today at the River Center at the Gruenhagen
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Greens urge endorsement of UN resolution declaring access to clean water a human right
Green Party leaders called for the US to support a United Nations Human Rights Commission (UNHRC) resolution declaring clean water
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Greens warn that election of Obama, Clinton, or McCain will not reverse the meltdown touched off by the subprime mortgage crisis
Greens blame bipartisan failure to recognize Enron-style abuses, SEC and Federal Reserve Board indulgence of banks and lending institutions for
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Greens Doonan, Sherman Elected in NY
Green David Doonan was elected Mayor of Greenwich, NY in voting
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