Green Party of New York in Solidarity with Students Against Genocide
The Green Party of New York expresses its full support for and solidarity with the student-led occupations at Columbia University, City College of NY, the New School, New York University, and around the nation. GPNY also backs the demands of Columbia University Apartheid Divest (CUAD), the coalition of student groups involved in the occupation, which demands that Columbia and other universities divest from companies and academic institutions that profit from or engage in the State of Israel’s acts of occupation, apartheid, and genocide.
The Green Party condemns the authoritarian and repressive acts by Columbia President Shafik and her counterparts who have, in craven and servile adherence to appease the demands of the both parties of war and Wall Street, allowed police on campus to repress peaceful student speech. President Shafik’s actions after her dismal performance last week in front of Congress reek of desperation to maintain her job. The Party calls for the immediate resignation of President Shafik and any college administrator complicit in criminalization of student protest against the ongoing genocide in Gaza. While the student protestors have loudly and courageously expressed their solidarity with the oppressed people of Gaza, and peoples the world over oppressed by capitalism, President Shafik has openly proclaimed her solidarity with an increasingly fascistic state and its police.
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Stop the Wars Save the Planet
Happy Earth Day. On Earth Day 2024 we are actively petitioning for our Presidential nominee, Jill Stein, the only candidate for People, Planet and Peace who will work tirelessly for a real Green New Deal.
We have only 5 more short weeks to get 45K signatures and overcome one of the most restrictive ballot access laws in the country. Whether you have a few hours a week or just a few hours, join the growing ranks of volunteers. Sign up here:
Are you an experienced petitioner in need of some extra cash? Sign up here: and we will be in touch.
Now hiring: Petition Circulators
Job Overview:
GPNY is seeking motivated and enthusiastic individuals to join our team as a Petition Circulator. As a Petition Circulator, you will play a crucial role in gathering signatures to place Green Party candidates on the ballot. This is an excellent opportunity for someone who is passionate about making a difference and engaging with the community. Have fun meeting people and build a better world in the process!
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Fall 2023 GPNY Newsletter
The next GPNY State Committee Meeting will be held via Zoom on October 21, 2023. All registered Greens are welcome to attend and observe, though only State Committee members will be allowed to vote. If you plan to attend, please fill out the RSVP form here.
New Volunteers: GPNY will host an orientation meeting for new volunteers via Zoom on October 12, 2023, beginning at 8:00 pm. To participate in this meeting, please fill out this Google sign up form:
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Green Party New York Summer 2023 Newsletter
Our First In-Person State Committee Meeting was held June 10, 2023. The future of the Green Party of New York was discussed and an Eco-Action Committee was approved. The GPNY Eco-Action Committee will complement national work on climate and take action around state-level legislation and campaigns. Mark Dunlea is spearheading this committee. To learn more, contact him at [email protected]. During the afternoon session of the meeting, Marco DaCosta gave a talk and slideshow about Greens in Power in Brazil, and presented some ideas that could be used by Greens in the U.S.
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Gun Violence Statement by GPNY
A Statement on the Mass Shootings in Buffalo, NY and Uvalde, TX from the Green Party of New York State.
The Green Party of the United States was shocked and appalled by the mass shootings that took place at Tops Friendly Market in Buffalo, New York on May 14th and at Robb Elementary School in Uvalde, Texas on May 24th, and the Greens of New York and Texas were the most heartbroken of all. Our sympathies remain with the families of the 31 men, women and children who were killed in those unbelievable crimes, as well as the 20 injured survivors.
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Green and Libertarian Parties Open Letter to Governor Kathy Hochul
In an open letter to Governor Kathy Hochul, the co-chairs of the Green and Libertarian Parties of New York ask her to overturn undemocratic ballot access laws put in place by her predecessor and to restore democracy in New York State. Link to PDF.
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Statement of Green Party of New York City on Response to Black Lives Matter Protests
The Green Parties of Brooklyn, the Bronx, and New York counties strongly condemn the violence perpetrated by the New York Police Department (NYPD) during the past week of protests in the five boroughs of New York City, as protesters voiced their outrage over the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. Party officials denounced Governor Andrew Cuomo’s call for more police and a curfew, and Mayor Bill de Blasio’s refusal to rein in the heavy-handed tactics of the NYPD.
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Statement on the Murder of George Floyd and Solidarity Protests Around New York State
The Green Party of New York is outraged by the murder of George Floyd by former officer Derek Chauvin while fellow officers menacingly kept distressed and concerned by-standers at bay. The evidence is unequivocal that Chauvin and the other former officers killed Floyd and all of them need to be arrested, charged, and convicted for their crimes. The arrest of Derek Chavuin, while a welcome development, must be followed with the same for the other former officers.
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Join GPNY for April 29th Presidential Candidates Forum; Send in Your Absentee Ballot
We hope everyone is doing well and staying safe during the pandemic.
GPNY invites you to join our April 29th online Virtual Candidates Forum for Green Party presidential candidates! You'll be able to watch live on Facebook and YouTube.
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