As Earth Day celebrations continue into this week, please consider making a contribution to GPNY so we can produce more competitive campaigns, more compelling and inspiring resources and events, and be a more powerful ally to social movements. Registered Greens can contribute Supporting Member Dues to strengthen local organizing, and we are grateful to allies who are monthly Sustaining Donors. It's up to us to win Real Solutions that can't wait!
April and May are not just the peak months of spring, but a time when Greens give thanks to Mother Earth and its working people. As eco-socialists, we know capitalism seeks to exploit nature and workers, but Greens are working hard to build social movements and elect candidates who will change the system.
We’d love to know how you and your local Greens and allies celebrated Earth Day (or Earth Week...or even Earth Month). Share pics or videos of your events and actions to [email protected] or to GPNY on Facebook.
Earth Day To May Day
We also encourage Greens to join with allies in solidarity with and celebration of worker struggles on May Day (Wednesday, 05/01), aka International Workers Day. If you’re not aware of any events in your area, call up your local worker rights center, central labor council and other groups dedicated to worker power and see if they have any plans...or it’s not too late to host your own event like a cook-out, movie night or even a rally in your town square or downtown!
And don’t forget to share those pictures and videos from your day ;)
Saturday, 05/04: NYC Cannabis Parade
Green Party of New York returns as a co-sponsor of the annual NYC Cannabis Parade and rally, which will be held this year on Saturday, May 4th. Would you like to join our GPNY contingent calling to end the drug war and ensure that historically oppressed communities are the first to economically benefit from the sale of organic cannabis? Reply here to let us know!
GPNY Co-Chair Gloria Mattera will address the crowd at 32nd Street and Broadway in Manhattan to help kick off the parade (speakers start at 11am).
Saturday, 05/11: Calling ALL Greens to Our Statewide Meeting and State Committee Platform Vote
Join us in Rensselaer for GPNY's 2019 Statewide meeting!
- Meet Greens from across NY
- Build your campaigning and party-building skills in vital workshops
- Final opportunity to speak on the GPNY 2019 platform
Make sure you contribute your ideas for the platform before the meeting! Comments to be considered before the final draft of the platform is written must be submitted by April 30.
More details on speakers and workshops coming soon!
Saturday May 11, 2019
9am Registration Begins
First United Presbyterian Church
34 Broadway
Rensselaer, NY 12144
Tuesday, 05/21: Lobby Day For 100% Renewable Energy by 2030
Let’s make a fossil fuel-free New York a reality by 2030 with a REAL Green New Deal! Join with fellow Greens (including 2018 GPNY Candidate for Governor Howie Hawkins!), other ecosocialists and environmental justice activists in Albany to hold state legislature representatives accountable on Tuesday, May 21 to support the NY Off Fossil Fuel Act (Assembly Bill 3565)
Learn more, including info about a free bus from NYC to Abany
Coming Up: FREE Online Political Education Workshops Hosted By GPNY!
It’s important for Greens to know the latest about the issues and demands we campaign and organize for, and so in May we will launch a monthly series of FREE online political education workshops for Greens across New York! Make sure you are following our website, Facebook and Twitter to get the latest updates.
We know we can count on you in the fight for People and Planet Over Profit!
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