It's Up To Us To Fund Our Movement!
Live Green. Give Green.
Your contribution to the Green Party of New York means you’re helping get our candidates
elected, you're giving for social justice, you’re giving for the environment, you’re giving for
non-violence and peace, and you are giving for democracy in the United States.
Click here to make a one-time donation.
(Click here to donate through PayPal)
Or just text "greenfuture" to 22525
(please be sure to type "greenfuture" as one word & check that auto-correct doesn't insert a space or your donation will not reach us!)
Alternatively, checks should be made out to: Green Party of New York State and mailed to
Green Party of NYS
℅ Eric Jones, 365 Potomac Avenue - Upper, Buffalo, NY 14213
Please include your name, mailing address, occupation and name of employer.
Supporting Members = Sustainable Growth.
Recurring monthly donations provide ongoing support, help fund our
candidates, and play a vital role in making sure our State and County
organizations have the resources needed to build the party.
Are you registered to vote as a Green? Click here to pay dues monthly as a Supporting Member.
NEW! Now pay once for the year! Click here for Annual Supporting Member Dues!
Not a registered Green?
Click here to make a recurring monthly donation.
For help with or questions about your donation, e-mail treasurer(at)