[From Kings Courier]
Green Party of Brooklyn pushes to scrap electronic voting
By Helen Klein
Photo by Helen Klein
Forget electronic voting.
That’s what the New York Green Party wants the state to do, opting instead for old-fashioned paper ballots.
Braving a chill wind that created real feel temperatures in the zero range, and bundled in hats and gloves, members of the Brooklyn Greens took to Cadman Plaza, right behind Borough Hall, to make the case for their preference.
“We are calling for voter marked paper ballots that get counted by hand,” said Colby Hamilton, the presiding officer of the Green Party of Brooklyn. He said that many countries, including Canada, use paper ballots, and have results of elections within 24 hours.
“Voters expect accountability,” as they would get at ATMs, Hamilton noted, “but, for some reason, election officials don’t seem to think they have to have that level of accountability.”
Electronic machines allow for the possibility of miscounts, either deliberately or accidentally, contended Hamilton, demonstrating how it could happen using a laptop computer brought along for precisely that purpose.
Continue reading ‘Paper’ tigers growl for safer elections at Kings Courier
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