Petitioning for Ballot Access

Thank you for your interest in helping us get on the ballot in New York! Petitions were turned in to the state Board of Elections on May 28, 2024. The petitioning period is over.

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We need to get 45,000 valid signatures by May 28, with at least 500 or 1% of enrolled voters coming from at least half of the congressional districts.  This will require tremendous preparation and support. Please support us with your time and/or donation.

Now is the final stretch and we want to make sure everything goes smoothly. For those of you collecting signatures right up to the deadline, here is how we need you to get them to us. Please either:

1. Hand deliver them to 31 Smith Street, Second floor, Brooklyn NY 11201 by Monday at 8pm. (Please reach out to let us know when you're coming by emailing [email protected])


2. Send them by overnight mail to Candace Carponter, 31 Smith Street, Second Floor, Brooklyn, NY 11201 to arrive by Tuesday. If possible please scan and email your completed petition sheets to [email protected] before sending them, so we can review them to make sure all the I's are dotted and T's crossed.

This has been a huge effort and the outpouring of support has been both awesome and humbling. Thank you to everyone involved and let's finish strong!

Get a copy of the petition here: Green Party Presidential Petition 2024

Please let us know that you're collecting signatures by filling out our Petitioning Volunteer Form

If you are from out of state, please use our Out-of-State Petition, which you can request by emailing [email protected] or [email protected]. You do not have to fill out the very bottom line under Witness Identification Information -- please leave that blank.

Here is a short list of guidelines for petitioning: Petitioning Guidelines

Here is a link to our training video on petitioning: Petition Training Video


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  • Chris Edes
    published this page 2024-05-06 21:25:08 -0400