Vote Green Party on Tuesday, November 6th
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Howie Hawkins and Jia Lee, the Green Party Gubernatorial ticket are the only progressive choice. The only candidates will address the climate crisis and the economy with a Green New Deal for New York. Eliminate high stakes testing, fairly and fully fund our public schools and enact universal single-payer health care.
Mark Dunlea, Comptroller candidate is a leader in the fossil fuel divestment campaign and is endorsed by NYC and Food & Water Watch Action.
All Green Party candidates are working to pass the New York Health Act - a single payer state-wide health care program for all New Yorkers.
Take a look at the 14 Green Party candidates from around the state :
Congress |
Hank Bardel - 11
Steve Greenfield - 19
Tom Hillgardner - 6
Scott Hutchins - 12
Lynn S. Kahn - 21
Assembly |
Anthony Baney - 140
Anthony Beckford - 42
John Dennie - 63
Daniel Falcone - 61
Danilo Lawvere - 146
Senate |
Peter Diachun - 62 |
Local |
Frank Cetera - Syracuse Council-At Large
Wade Van Valkenburgh - Mayor of Lockport
If you feel you are being prevented from voting or having other difficulties at your poll site contact the AG hotline:
And please let us know especially if there any barriers when you are voting for Green Party candidates by contacting:
[email protected] or 917-886-4538
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