2018 Candidates

Check Out Howie's Campaign Video! #DemandMore

If you or your candidate are missing from this list, or if you need to update candidate information, contact adrienne(at)gpny.org!

Statewide Candidates

Howie Hawkins & Jia Lee

Offices: Governor & Lieutenant Governor
Web: www.howiehawkins.org
FB: https://www.facebook.com/HowieHawkinsForGovernor/
Twitter: @HowieHawkins
FB: https://www.facebook.com/JiaforNY/
Twitter: @Jia4LtGovernor

Michael Sussman

Office: Attorney General
Web: electsussman-nyag2018.com
FB: https://www.facebook.com/MichaelSussmanAG
Twitter: @SussmanForNYSAG

Mark Dunlea

Office: Comptroller
Web: markdunlea.org
FB: https://www.facebook.com/dunleamark/
Twitter: @dunleamark

Congressional Candidates

Hank Bardel

Office: US Congress - NY-11
Counties: all of Richmond (Staten Island) and parts of southern Kings (Brooklyn), including the neighborhoods of Bay RidgeBath BeachDyker Heights, and Gravesend and parts of southern Bensonhurst
FB: www.facebook.com/ElectHank
Web: electhankbardel.wordpress.com

Steve Greenfield

Office: US Congress - NY-19
Counties: all of ColumbiaDelawareGreeneOtsegoSchoharieSullivan, and Ulster counties, and parts of BroomeDutchessMontgomery, and Rensselaer counties
Web: https://stevegreenfieldforcongress.com/
FB: facebook.com/Steve.Greenfield.NY19
Twitter: @Greenfield4NY19

Tom Hillgardner

Office: US Congress - NY-06
Counties: Queens, including FlushingForest HillsMiddle Village, Glendale, Kew GardensBayside and Murray Hill
Web: http://tomhillgardnerforcongress.org/
Twitter: @Tom4CongressNY6

Scott Hutchins

Office: US Congress - NY-12
Counties: New York, Kings, and Queens, including the East Side of Manhattan, the Greenpoint section of Brooklyn, and western Queens, as well as Roosevelt Island
FB: www.facebook.com/ElectScottHutchins
Web: www.hutchinsforcongress.info

Lynn S. Kahn

Office: US Congress - NY-21
Counties: all or parts of ClintonEssexFranklinFultonHamiltonHerkimerJeffersonLewisSaratogaSt. LawrenceWarren, and Washington counties
Web: www.votelynn2018.com
Twitter: @lynnskahn

State Senate Candidates

Peter Diachun

Office: NY Senate - 62nd District
Counties: Monroe, NiagaraOrleans 

Steve Ruzbacki

Office: NY Senate - 45th District
Counties: ClintonEssexFranklinSaint LawrenceWarren, Washington
FB: www.facebook.com/VoteSteveRuzbacki

State Assembly Candidates

Anthony Baney

Office: Assembly Member - 140th District
Counties: Erie, Niagara
FB: www.facebook.com/BaneyforNewYorkAssembly

Anthony Beckford

Office: Assembly Member - 42nd District
County: Kings County (Brooklyn)
Email: VoteForAnthonyBeckford[at]gmail.com
Web: voteforbeckford.nationbuilder.com
FB: facebook.com/AnthonyBeckfordForStateAssembly
Twitter: @Vote4Beckford
IG: instagram.com/AnthonyBeckford4StateAssembly

John Dennie

Office: Assembly Member - 63rd District
County: Richmond County (Staten Island)
FB: www.facebook.com/DennieForAssembly
Website: dennieforassembly.wordpress.com

Daniel Falcone

Office: Assembly Member - 61st District
County: Richmond County (Staten Island)

Danilo Lawvere

Office: Assembly Member - 146th District
Counties: Erie, Niagara 

Local Candidates

Frank Cetera

Office: Syracuse Councilor-At-Large (special election to fill vacancy)
County: Onondaga County
Web: votecetera-syracusegreens.nationbuilder.com
FB: www.facebook.com/Frank.Raymond.Cetera

Wade VanValkenburgh

Office: Mayor of Lockport (special election to fill vacancy)
County: Niagara County

Showing 1 reaction

  • Adrienne Craig-Williams
    published this page in Elections 2019-07-14 13:16:02 -0400