The Green Party will have to gather signatures this summer to get its candidate for Governor on the ballot, and will have to get the word out on this and other candidates. Greens are needed to help achieve these goals. You can sign up to volunteer by clicking on the "Volunteer" link.
The Green Party Of New York State has an opening for a Petition Coordinator to manage the 2010 Gubernatorial petition drive in New York State. The Coordinator will oversee all petitioning efforts to get our Gubernatorial candidate on the ballot. A target of at least 30,000 valid signatures, with a minimum of 200 valid signatures identified in half the congressional districts, must be met. This position has a start date of June 14, 2010.
Responsibilities include (but are not limited to) the following:
Set statewide petitioning targets, in number of valid signatures gathered, both daily and weekly, based on past studies and in contact with those who have experience on past statewide petition drives. An overall target of 30,000 signatures, with a minimum of 200 signatures identified in half the congressional districts, must be met. July 6, 2010 is the first day for signing nominating petitions. Aug. 10-17, 2010 are the dates for filing independent nominating petitions.
Organize petition trainings across the state prior to start of petitioning.
Coordinate and schedule volunteers to assure daily goals for acquiring signatures are met.
Spend between 5 and 10 hours per week, during the petitioning period, collecting signatures for the statewide slate. This should not interfere with the overall goal of coordinating the volunteer and paid petitioners.
Coordinate with volunteer regional petition coordinators.
Coordinate with Gubernatorial and multi-county campaigns.
Attend all GPNYS Campaign Committee conference calls.
Assist local campaigns that are multi-county in creating and collecting slated petitions.
Network with local Green Party organizational structures, identify volunteer local coordinators, and organize local petitioning structures where the above do not exist.
Create contact database of statewide petitioning volunteers after the petition drive or work with a designated database person to pass on information.
Perform outreach for additional volunteers where needed.
Set up and manage petitioning training for volunteers where needed. Regions may do their own volunteer training.
Provide internal daily reports to key personnel for review. Key personnel can include the Executive Committee or any committee designated to oversee petition process.
Assist in hiring and supervising paid petitioners.
Perform verification of petition signatures for Board Of Election compliance.
Compile and file petition volumes in Albany, beginning no later than August 13, 2010.
Assist in overcoming challenges to petitions.
Provide post-filing written report with suggestions for improvement.
Experience in a similar position required with knowledge of New York State Board Of Election guidelines very helpful. Candidates must have demonstrated people and leadership skills through coaching, presentation, and team building. Will need to handle a fast paced work environment, and meet crucial deadlines in a timely manner. Knowledge of Green Party history, goals, and objectives in the United States is a plus. Microsoft Access, Excel, and Word (or equivalent programs) skills required. Fluency with online organizing a plus.
[stextbox id="download"]If you are interested in this position, you can download more information and an application in two formats [download id="29"] [download id="30"].[/stextbox]
The Green Party Of New York State has an opening for a Petition Coordinator to manage the 2010 Gubernatorial petition drive in New York State. The Coordinator will oversee all petitioning efforts to get our Gubernatorial candidate on the ballot. A target of at least 30,000 valid signatures, with a minimum of 200 valid signatures identified in half the congressional districts, must be met. This position has a start date of June 14, 2010.
Responsibilities include (but are not limited to) the following:
Experience in a similar position required with knowledge of New York State Board Of Election guidelines very helpful. Candidates must have demonstrated people and leadership skills through coaching, presentation, and team building. Will need to handle a fast paced work environment, and meet crucial deadlines in a timely manner. Knowledge of Green Party history, goals, and objectives in the United States is a plus. Microsoft Access, Excel, and Word (or equivalent programs) skills required. Fluency with online organizing a plus.
[stextbox id="download"]If you are interested in this position, you can download more information and an application in two formats [download id="29"] [download id="30"].[/stextbox]
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