Carl Lundgren performs at the Green Party of NY State Committee meeting May 10th in Rensselaer. (Youtube video)
At this Spring meeting the GPNY prepared for the upcoming election season including the presidential race. Anyone wanting to volunteer to help get Green candidates on the ballot by petitioning, or who can campaign for Green candidates, or want to be Green candidates themselves, should get in touch with the state-wide or area contacts (see contacts or counties pages).
Petitioning will take place this Summer for those Greens interested in being members of the GPNY State Committee. Information on the process and requirements will be posted shortly.
At this Spring meeting the GPNY prepared for the upcoming election season including the presidential race. Anyone wanting to volunteer to help get Green candidates on the ballot by petitioning, or who can campaign for Green candidates, or want to be Green candidates themselves, should get in touch with the state-wide or area contacts (see contacts or counties pages).
Petitioning will take place this Summer for those Greens interested in being members of the GPNY State Committee. Information on the process and requirements will be posted shortly.
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