New Paltz deputy mayor named co-chair of national Green Party
New Paltz Deputy Mayor Rebecca Rotzler has been elected to the position of co-chair of the Green Party of the United States.
The New Paltz Green Party leader is one of seven nationwide co-chairs. Rotzler said their anti-war stance is among their main issues. "One of the things that is top on our agenda-- I know it certainly is on mine -- is dealing with the issue of war," she said. The Greens will join with other groups nationwide in Washington, DC. on September 24th to protest the war in Iraq.

Rotzler (photo, front right) said they are also concerned with the possibility of a return of the draft.
"The election of Rebecca Rotzler to co-chair the Green Party of the United States is a new high-watermark in the rise of the New Paltz Greens to national prominence since the election of Rebecca and Jason West in the spring of 2003," said Steven Greenfield, a member of the New Paltz Greens and a Green Party of New York State delegate to the Green Party of the United States. "In naming Rebecca Rotzler to its top post, the Green Party of the United States has recognized the success of the New Paltz Greens and brought forward Rebecca's experience, skills, and work ethic into our efforts to expand the Green Party nationwide."
(Reported online July 27th, 2005 at Mid-Hudson News Network
New Paltz Deputy Mayor Rebecca Rotzler has been elected to the position of co-chair of the Green Party of the United States.
The New Paltz Green Party leader is one of seven nationwide co-chairs. Rotzler said their anti-war stance is among their main issues. "One of the things that is top on our agenda-- I know it certainly is on mine -- is dealing with the issue of war," she said. The Greens will join with other groups nationwide in Washington, DC. on September 24th to protest the war in Iraq.

Rotzler (photo, front right) said they are also concerned with the possibility of a return of the draft.
"The election of Rebecca Rotzler to co-chair the Green Party of the United States is a new high-watermark in the rise of the New Paltz Greens to national prominence since the election of Rebecca and Jason West in the spring of 2003," said Steven Greenfield, a member of the New Paltz Greens and a Green Party of New York State delegate to the Green Party of the United States. "In naming Rebecca Rotzler to its top post, the Green Party of the United States has recognized the success of the New Paltz Greens and brought forward Rebecca's experience, skills, and work ethic into our efforts to expand the Green Party nationwide."
(Reported online July 27th, 2005 at Mid-Hudson News Network
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