Green law suit challenges the legitimacy of US Reps from five southern states‏

Green civil action challenges the legitimacy of US Representatives from southern states'Winner take all' apportionment of presidential electors in Arkansas, Continue reading

Green Party Says Cuomo Fiscal Plan Recycles Failed Policies

The Green Party blasted the Emergency Fiscal Plan outlined by Andrew Cuomo in his State Continue reading

Green Party Releases Questionnaire for Mayoral Candidates

For Immediate ReleaseDecember 31, 2010Local Green Party Releases Candidate Questionnaire for Mayoral CandidatesRochester, NY --  The Green Party of Monroe Continue reading

Obama's tax package blows up the deficit, undermines Social Security‏

GREEN PARTY OF THE UNITED STATES Obama's compromise tax package will blow up the deficit, undermine Continue reading

Vote Single Payer - Vote Hawkins for Governor, Green Party, Row F

A single payer health care system - at the federal or state level - remains the best solution for the Continue reading

Green Party Qualifies Five Candidates for Statewide Office

[caption id="attachment_7887" align="aligncenter" width="500" caption="Candidates: Cecile Lawrence, Colia Clark, Julia Willebrand, Howie Hawkins, Gloria Mattera"] Continue reading

McKinney To Receive Munich American Peace Committee Peace Prize

"Clearly, the MAPC gave more thought Continue reading

NY Green Party Calls Legislative Ethics Reform Inadequate

The Green Party of New York State stated today that it opposed the ethics reform deal announced earlier this week Continue reading

Green Party Response to the NY State of the State

The Green Party of New York State calls Gov. Paterson’s response to New York State’s ongoing economic and political crisis Continue reading

Green Party of New York Decries Senate Health Care Sellout

The Green Party of New York State decries the “historic” deal Continue reading