Monroe County January 2018 Meeting

Local Greens Elect Party Officers for 2018 & Adopt Platform Plank on Combating Addiction

Rochester, NY – The Green Party of Monroe County elected their party officers for 2018, approved a local platform plank to combat addiction, and took action to get single player health care in New York State at its January monthly meeting on Thursday, January 11th.

Voted into office for 2018 were:

Co-Chair:         Bonnie Cannan

Co-Chair:         David Sutliff-Atias

Treasurer:        Michael Hendrick

Secretary:        Jason Yungbluth

The Greens use a version of Ranked Choice Voting which enables party members to rank their choices for each office.  Being a party officer is a year-long voluntary position.

Also at the January 11th meeting, registered Greens voted on adopting a six-point platform on addiction that includes the calling for more substance abuse education and treatment facilities as we work at the state and federal levels for legalization and single payer health care.  The entire proposal can be found at

Both Green and non-Green attendees of the meeting worked on getting single payer health care enacted in New York State by taking measures to convince local State Senators to support a bill currently in the NYS Senate (S. 4840).  The Green Party at the national, state, and local levels calls for complete single payer health care that includes mental health and substance abuse treatment.  (video coming soon)

The next Monthly Meeting of the Green Party of Monroe County will be:

Thursday, February 8th at 7pm
Flying Squirrel Community Space,
285 Clarissa Street, Rochester