Statement of Green Party of New York City on Response to Black Lives Matter Protests
The Green Parties of Brooklyn, the Bronx, and New York counties strongly condemn the violence perpetrated by the New York Police Department (NYPD) during the past week of protests in the five boroughs of New York City, as protesters voiced their outrage over the murder of George Floyd by Minneapolis police. Party officials denounced Governor Andrew Cuomo’s call for more police and a curfew, and Mayor Bill de Blasio’s refusal to rein in the heavy-handed tactics of the NYPD.
Read moreGreen Party of Nassau County Elects New Officers
From left: New Green Party of Nassau County officers Joe Naham, Jim Brown and Allan Hunter.
Joe Naham of Long Beach, Jim Brown of Island Park, and Allan Hunter of New Hyde Park have been elected by the Green Party of Nassau County to serve as its new officers. The election was held at the party's regular monthly meeting at Freeport Memorial Library on Monday, March 19, 2018. The newly elected officers, who will serve a two year term, are all current members of the State Committee of the Green Party of New York.
Read moreBarkenhagen Appointed to Glens Falls Urban Renewal Agency
Glens Falls, NY — A former Green Party of New York candidate for local and statewide office has been appointed to the Glens Falls Urban Renewal Agency.
Read moreMonroe County January 2018 Meeting
Local Greens Elect Party Officers for 2018 & Adopt Platform Plank on Combating Addiction
Read moreBarred From Environmental Candidates Forum, Green Party Candidate Cassandra Lems Stages Protest
Nassau County - Cassandra Lems, Green Party candidate for County Executive, organized a mini-protest Sunday outside an Environmental Candidates Forum at Adelphi University. Ms. Lems and a small group of Green Party members handed out campaign literature to attendees at the forum, which was sponsored by the New York League of Conservation Voters Education Fund in partnership with Citizens Campaign for the Environment, Tri-State Transportation Campaign, Vision Long Island and Adelphi University.
In late September and against last week, when Green Party members Jim Brown and Peter Louis called forum organizer Joshua Klainberg to ask that Cassandra Lems be included, they were told that Green Party candidates do not receive enough campaign contributions or media attention to be “viable.” Mr. Klainberg offered to allow Ms. Lems to sit in the audience, to have her presence acknowledged, and speak to attendees after the event. However, Ms. Lems declined that offer, saying she found it “patronizing and demeaning to be expected to sit and listen to ‘the real candidates’ speak.”
Read moreGood Turnout in Brooklyn's 35th City Council District
By Adrienne Craig-Williams, Treasurer for Jabari 2017
Brooklyn, NY — A convivial Green primary was held in Brooklyn's 35th City Council District. Scott Hutchins and Jabari Brisport campaigned for the Green Party line throughout the late summer.
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