Howie Hawkins, Green Party candidate for Governor
Tax the Rich for a Green New Deal Full Employment. Government should be the employer of last resort. A locally planned, state funded WPAstyle program to employ unused labor to meet unmet community needs in public works and services.
A Sustainable Green Economic Recovery. Public investment in a green industrial policy. A stateowned bank and public power for wealth and job creation in green industries, including Renewable Energy, Mass Transit, Green Buildings, Clean Manufacturing, and Organic Agriculture.
A Living Wage for the Minimum Wage. Raise state minimum wage to at least $12 an hour.
Single Payer Health Care. An expanded and improved Medicare for All system providing comprehensive, quality health care for every New Yorker. No copays or deductibles. Everybody in, nobody out.
Fully Funded Public Schools. Free Tuition at SUNY, CUNY, and Community Colleges
The Only Union Member Running for Governor
Howie Hawkins, a member of the Teamsters Local 317 who unloads trucks at UPS in Syracuse, supports strengthening workers' rights, wages, benefits, and working conditions, including the right to organize, the Employee Free Choice Act, repeal of TaftHartley and the Taylor Law, labor law coverage for farmworkers, government support for worker cooperatives, a 30 hour work week with no loss in pay, and mandatory six weeks paid vacations for all workers.
Tax the Rich for a Green New Deal Full Employment. Government should be the employer of last resort. A locally planned, state funded WPAstyle program to employ unused labor to meet unmet community needs in public works and services.
A Sustainable Green Economic Recovery. Public investment in a green industrial policy. A stateowned bank and public power for wealth and job creation in green industries, including Renewable Energy, Mass Transit, Green Buildings, Clean Manufacturing, and Organic Agriculture.
A Living Wage for the Minimum Wage. Raise state minimum wage to at least $12 an hour.
Single Payer Health Care. An expanded and improved Medicare for All system providing comprehensive, quality health care for every New Yorker. No copays or deductibles. Everybody in, nobody out.
Fully Funded Public Schools. Free Tuition at SUNY, CUNY, and Community Colleges
Tax Breaks for the Rich Cause State Budget Deficits Stop Rebating $16 Billion to Wall Street!
The state collected $16 billion last year from the Stock Transfer Tax, rebated it back to Wall Street, and declared a state fiscal crisis. Cuomo and the Republicans blame the deficit on state workers and the general public that uses public services like schools, roads, and public transit.
The Green Party has a better plan – make Wall Street and the wealthy pay their fair share of taxes. We could raise $34 billion more: $16 billion in more revenue from the Stock Transfer Tax, $8 billion by going back to the 1970s progressive income tax system (which would give a tax cut to 95% of us), $10 billion from a 50% Bankers' Bonus Tax (which we paid for trillions of dollars of taxpayer bailouts). After we take care of the $9 billion deficit projected for next year, that leaves $25 billion for the Green New Deal.
The Only Union Member Running for Governor
Howie Hawkins, a member of the Teamsters Local 317 who unloads trucks at UPS in Syracuse, supports strengthening workers' rights, wages, benefits, and working conditions, including the right to organize, the Employee Free Choice Act, repeal of TaftHartley and the Taylor Law, labor law coverage for farmworkers, government support for worker cooperatives, a 30 hour work week with no loss in pay, and mandatory six weeks paid vacations for all workers.
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