From left: New Green Party of Nassau County officers Joe Naham, Jim Brown and Allan Hunter.
Joe Naham of Long Beach, Jim Brown of Island Park, and Allan Hunter of New Hyde Park have been elected by the Green Party of Nassau County to serve as its new officers. The election was held at the party's regular monthly meeting at Freeport Memorial Library on Monday, March 19, 2018. The newly elected officers, who will serve a two year term, are all current members of the State Committee of the Green Party of New York.
New County Chair Joe Naham, 35, is Environmental Co-Director for the Beach To Bay Civic Association, Environmental Manager for, assistant market manager at the Long Beach Farmer's Market, a former solar panel site surveyor, and former assistant market manager with LI Green Markets. A life-long resident of Long Beach, he has been a Green Party candidate for Long Beach City Council and for New York State Assembly. He and his wife Stephanie are expecting their first child in mid-April.
New County Secretary Jim Brown, 70, is a retired reference librarian who has been active in the Green Party and the progressive movement for decades, including runs for Long Beach City Council and U.S. Congress. He is also an active member and past president of the South Shore Audubon Society.
New County Treasurer Allan Hunter, 59, is a theorist, lecturer and author who makes his living as a FileMaker Pro software developer. He is the Nassau County Greens' unofficial data wrangler, and served as campaign treasurer for Green Party candidate Cassandra Lems during her candidacies for Nassau County Executive and Nassau Legislator.
The outgoing officers of the Green Party of Nassau County are Jim Brown, Chair for six years; Christine Twanya Schmidt of Freeport, Secretary for six years; and Laurence Seth Hirsh of Valley Stream, Treasurer for four years. Brown and Schmidt were term-limited, having served the maximum three terms each in their respective positions.