Green Party Nominates Jill Stein for President (CNN Video)
Green Party Presidential Nominee Jill Stein on C-SPAN's Washington Journal Stein for President
Jill Stein Green Party Presidential Acceptance Speech
Jill Stein for President
Cheri Honkala Acceptance speech for Vice President
Green Party Nominee Jill Stein and Running Mate, Activist Cheri Honkala, Video
Democracy Now! Video
Jill Stein Achieves Federal Matching Funds
Dr. Jill Stein has issued a written statement thanking her supporters for making her the first Green Party member to
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Become a Green Party State Committee Representative
We are now (until Tuesday, July 10) in the petitioning period to be elected to the Green Party of NY
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Charles Barron, Hakeem Jeffries Square Off Against Colin Beavan
[Conchita Campos at policymic 6/26/12]Much has been made of the today's Democratic primary in Brooklyn’s 8th congressional district, with controversial
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Colin Beavan(G): Hakeem Jeffries Tries to Buy Election, Hides from Voters
Hakeem Jeffries Using Wall Street Money to Try to Buy Election while Hiding Himself from Voters, Says Fellow Candidate[caption id="attachment_11930"
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