Walt Nestler to Appear on TV Show, Monday, 10/26, 9 P.M.
The NYC League of Women Voters and Bronx Talk, the Bronx’ premiere cable TV talk show, have combined efforts to sponsor a debate for the candidates in the 18th City Council race this Monday, October 26. Unfortunately, citing a doctor’s appointment as an excuse, the incumbent Annabel Palma (D-WF) will not participate in this debate, which will take place late Monday evening. Without Ms. Palma sharing the stage, Gary Axelbank, host of Bronx Talk, has offered the entire half-hour show to Walt Nestler to discuss his plan for the 18th District.
“I am thrilled to have this opportunity to be on Bronx Talk,” said Walt Nestler. “I have been trying to get the word about my plan for jobs, education, housing, health care, the environment, and more. My role in this election is to give people a real choice this November, instead of just the usual “Democrat-only” ballot that people are accustomed to seeing in the Bronx each November. On Monday, people can learn about what I stand for. But it would be better if Annabel Palma was there so that voters could be educated about both of us. You will learn about me, but not about what issues she is concerned with, and how she intends to help our community. Voters deserve to hear both sides so that they can make the right choice.”
Walt’s interview with Gary Axelbank of Bronx Talk will air live at 9:00 p.m. on Monday on Cablevision channel 67 (only in the Bronx). It will be repeated each day, Tuesday through Friday at 9:00 p.m. During those times, people without Bronx Cablevision access can watch the show via the Internet. After next week, the show will be available in the Bronxnet archives.
The NYC League of Women Voters and Bronx Talk, the Bronx’ premiere cable TV talk show, have combined efforts to sponsor a debate for the candidates in the 18th City Council race this Monday, October 26. Unfortunately, citing a doctor’s appointment as an excuse, the incumbent Annabel Palma (D-WF) will not participate in this debate, which will take place late Monday evening. Without Ms. Palma sharing the stage, Gary Axelbank, host of Bronx Talk, has offered the entire half-hour show to Walt Nestler to discuss his plan for the 18th District.
“I am thrilled to have this opportunity to be on Bronx Talk,” said Walt Nestler. “I have been trying to get the word about my plan for jobs, education, housing, health care, the environment, and more. My role in this election is to give people a real choice this November, instead of just the usual “Democrat-only” ballot that people are accustomed to seeing in the Bronx each November. On Monday, people can learn about what I stand for. But it would be better if Annabel Palma was there so that voters could be educated about both of us. You will learn about me, but not about what issues she is concerned with, and how she intends to help our community. Voters deserve to hear both sides so that they can make the right choice.”
Walt’s interview with Gary Axelbank of Bronx Talk will air live at 9:00 p.m. on Monday on Cablevision channel 67 (only in the Bronx). It will be repeated each day, Tuesday through Friday at 9:00 p.m. During those times, people without Bronx Cablevision access can watch the show via the Internet. After next week, the show will be available in the Bronxnet archives.
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