Vote Green Party Today, November 6 - Row F (Column 6 NYC/Albany)
Stand up for Peace, Single Payer health care, action on climate change, Green living wage jobs
Election Day itself is the most important day for Green supporters to be visible. Wear a Green Party / Jill Stein button to work or the store (but not into the voting booth).
Send an email / facebook / twitter message to your friends urging them to join you in voting for a better world. Remind them that the Greens are running other candidates in addition to President, such as Colia Clark for US Senate. The Yonkers Insider recently endorsed Joseph Diaferia in his Congressional bid. Nationwide, the Greens are running six candidates for Senate and 64 for the House.
Remind your friends that since Obama is certain to win all the electoral college votes in NY, voting for Obama is a wasted vote - especially if they support progressive issues.
We are always told to vote our fears and vote for the Democrats. The result is that our fears have become true. Read about some of Jill's ideas about voting.
To support Jill and Cheri, there are sample messages and links you can just click on at,
You can watch a video from David Swanson, a nationally known peace activist who is a founder of the After Downing Street Coalition, about the need to build an independent movement and break free from the Democrats. You can also see Jill interviewed on MTV. You can show them a letter to the editor in the Albany Times Union supporting Jill.
End Poverty Now. By Voting Green Party

Hurricane Sandy has Moved Some Polling Places in Impacted Areas
Certain poll site locations may have changed in New York City. You can call 311 to find out if your poll site has changed, or check the full list of changes here: You can click here for changes in Orange, Rockland, Sullivan and Suffolk County.
Voting sites are open from 6 AM to 9 PM.
If for some reason your name is not on the voter rolls, you can ask to vote by paper ballot - or ask them to tell you where you should be voting. If you are registered to vote but have moved since you last voted, you vote based on your current address. Since your name will not be listed, you will vote by paper ballot, after the election the Board of Elections will verify that you are registered to vote, move your registration to your new address, and then count your vote.
Responding to Hurricane Sandy
While many groups have stepped up and helped out the victims of the recent hurricane, one of the more energetic ones has been Occupy Sandy.

Peter LaVenia, Green Party candidate for State Senate (Albany, Rens.), said "the devastation wrought by Hurricane Sandy highlighted the need for a major investment in renewable energy and infrastructure. LaVenia called for a serious effort to build a decentralized solar grid across New York that could withstand major storms, and the construction of storm-surge protection for New York City on a scale like that found in the Netherlands. In the long term, LaVenia stated, switching to renewables would help deal with the climate crisis and put New Yorkers back to work, a central feature of his Green New Deal program." (full release)
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