Onondaga County Green Party Chooses Designees
5/22/2005 12:13 PM By: News 10 Now Staff
The Onondaga County Green Party has made its first round of designations.
The Party chose Howie Hawkins for the councilor-at-large spot in the special election. That's to fill the seat Syracuse Common Councilor Beth Brownson is vacating.
Congressman James Walsh defeated Hawkins in November's congressional race. The party also chose Gary Bonaparte to run for the 2nd district common council seat.
They did step across party lines for one nomination, designating Democrat Tom Seals for the 4th district seat.
He's the incumbent, but was not selected by Democrats to run for the seat. The party may designate more candidates at their meeting next month.
5/22/2005 12:13 PM By: News 10 Now Staff
The Onondaga County Green Party has made its first round of designations.
The Party chose Howie Hawkins for the councilor-at-large spot in the special election. That's to fill the seat Syracuse Common Councilor Beth Brownson is vacating.
Congressman James Walsh defeated Hawkins in November's congressional race. The party also chose Gary Bonaparte to run for the 2nd district common council seat.
They did step across party lines for one nomination, designating Democrat Tom Seals for the 4th district seat.
He's the incumbent, but was not selected by Democrats to run for the seat. The party may designate more candidates at their meeting next month.
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