Jill Stein Meet And Greet and Left Forum After Party in NYC!

Meet Jill Stein, fellow Greens, activists, and Stein supporters Saturday night at Perdition Bar in Manhattan! Find out how YOU can help build this people-powered campaign! #ItsInOurHands.

Special guest speakers TBA.

Sliding scale admission $15-$100
Complimentary drink ticket and snacks with admission.
Donations encouraged - bring your checkbook!

Are you attending Left Forum, this weekend? Come to Jill's panels!

Sunday, 10AM on Climate Justice and Carbon Markets vs. Energy Democracy:http://www.leftforum.org/content/climate-justice-carbon-markets-vs-energy-democracy

Sunday, 12PM on what the government can actually do to fix our economic mess: http://www.leftforum.org/content/bernie-v-greens-what-can-government-actually-do-fix-our-economic-mess

Sunday, 3:40PM on building Left and Black Power:http://www.leftforum.org/content/sanders-answer-building-left-and-black-power​

Will you come?