The Green Party in NY is a sponsor of the March to Fort Drum in Watertown, NY May 8 through 17. From the NYS Marches for Peace web site:
The March will culminate in the Ft. Drum Spring Festival on Saturday, May 17, from 1-7 pm at the Black Water River Park & Campgrounds, 1605 Huntington St. Watertown. There will be music, games for the kids, and food for sale or you can bring a picnic meal. Information Booths on site include: Military VA benefits, disability, PTSD treatment, home loans, etc.
For more information, visit the NYS Marches for Peace web site.
Join with Veterans, teachers, students, laborers, farmers, children, young and old to call for an end to the war.
New York citizens will be marching across the state to bring support to our active duty soldiers and Iraq Veterans Against the War. This march will be an act of re-birthing civic duty and responsibility to defend our Constitution and strengthen our resolve to stop the damage this unjust, illegal, and immoral war is doing to our families, communities, the world and most of all, soldiers.

For more information, visit the NYS Marches for Peace web site.
Join with Veterans, teachers, students, laborers, farmers, children, young and old to call for an end to the war.
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