The Green Party of Nassau County will meet at 7:30 PM on Monday, November 27, 2023 via Zoom only. Presidential candidate Daví will attend this meeting, offering the opportunity to find out more about his platform and campaign.
Daví (pronounced “dah-vee”) is seeking the presidential nomination of The Green Party. Music artist, choreographer, tech founder, 2021 candidate for New York City Mayor and Ävatar of Earth, Daví, has a platform that centers around an agreed-to system of equality for humanity in alignment with Earth, called Earth Order. This new system offers direct-voting system where everyone is able to vote on all things in government, equal salaries for self-chosen or self-created work, full coverage of medical costs and a home exchange for all who choose.
The plan also offers the Emergency Mediator Wing of the police for on-demand counseling; not to mention, he’s created a submission for the new national anthem. The full campaign plan and more details can be found on Daví's website:
To be sent the Zoom link, contact Chair Joseph Naham at NassauGreens( at)
- November 27, 2023 at 7:30pm – 9pm
- Zoom only
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