Across NY state and the country, Greens are running campaigns for Grassroots Democracy, Ecological Wisdom, Nonviolence and Social Justice. title="2013 Green Party candidates" href="">Find out who is running near you, and get out and vote Green today! You can check your voter registration at the state board of elections website. After you submit your information it will give a you a link where you can find your polling place. Also check out:
Election Day marks the official end of this year's campaigns, but for Greens it means a new beginning.
GPNYS Executive Committee Mark Dunlea's op-ed "Why I Vote For The Green Party" on Green Papers. Read it and share with your friends and family! -
A national list of "Green Party Candidates to Watch" at - Sign up to be a part of our exciting, crucial 2014 ballot status campaign for Governor!
Election Day marks the official end of this year's campaigns, but for Greens it means a new beginning.
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