The Upper Hudson Green Party Green Speaker Series continues with Tom Ellis speaking about "Canadian Hydroelectric Imports, Jobs and Climate Chaos."
Tom Ellis lives in Albany and works as a teacher. Tom is a longtime member of Save the Pine Bush and Solidarity Committee of the Capital District and New York Solidarity and contributes articles to their newsletters.
Tom played a leading role in successful environmental health campaigns including preventing the City of Albany from siting a solid waste landfill in Coeymans, blocking the siting of a "low-level' radioactive waste disposal facility in rural New York, preventing the destruction of rivers in Canada, and creating community pressure that led to the closure of the ANSWERS trash incinerator in downtown Albany in 1994 and to the federal government cleaning up the former NL Industries factory property in Colonie, where depleted uranium weapons were manufactured. Tom is working to force cancellation of the proposed Champlain Hudson Power Express (CHPE) transmission corridor and to close the Dunn construction and demolition debris landfill in Rensselaer.
Tom helped preserve the 39-member Albany County Legislature.
- March 07, 2020 at 2:00pm – 4pm
Albany Public Library, Washington Av. Branch
161 Washington Ave
Albany, NY 12210
United States
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