The 2006 Green Party Independent Nominating Petition for the NY State "Peace Slate" is now available for download as a .pdf file at this link:
2006 Green Party Independent Nominating Petition
Petitioning for Green Party statewide candidates as independent candidates began today, Tuesday, July 11th and continues through Tuesday, August 22nd. Please contact your local Green Party officials, or the state Party officers, for important information on the proper procedures for petitioning and filling out the forms correctly.
Because, outside of Election Day, petitioning is the most important event for our Green Candidates.
Because, right now, this is the ONLY way to Green Party candidates on the ballot.
Because this is the year that our Gubernatorial candidate, Malachy McCourt, is going to get at least 50,000.
Because with 50,000 votes the Green Party regains ballot status.
Because when we have ballot status, we don't have to petition anymore!
Green Party supporters across New York began petitioning today to get the party's statewide candidates on the ballot.
"I've been eager to get started," said Rachel Treichler from Hammondsport, the Party's nominee for attorney general. "It felt good to get petitions signed today. With all the petitioning going on for major party candidates, people have been wondering why the Greens aren't petitioning. We had to wait until today for the independent nominating petitioning period to begin because we don't have ballot status right now."
"The good thing about our independent status," Treichler observed, "is that any registered voter may sign our petitions."
2006 is the first opportunity the Green Party has had since 2002, when the party lost ballot status, to regain that status and become an official political party in New York. To become qualified to place their candidates on the ballot for the next four years, the party's candidate for governor, Malachy McCourt, needs to receive at least 50,000 votes in November. Before he can get those votes, party members have to get his name on the ballot.
Unlike the major parties that have ballot status and are able to place their statewide candidates on the ballot through a convention vote without petitioning, the Green Party must collect at least 15,000 signatures to place its candidates, chosen at the Green Party convention in Albany on May 20, on the ballot for the general election in November.
The burden is easier because all the party's five statewide candidates are slated together on one petition, so voters may sign for all five candidates with one signature. In addition to McCourt and Treichler, the Green Party's candidates are Alison Duncan for Lt. Governor, Julia Willebrand for Comptroller, and Howie Hawkins for US Senate. All are listed on the independent nominating petition Green Party supporters are circulating.
"Regaining ballot status is key," stressed Rebecca White, a Green Party candidate for State Senate in 2004, and a volunteer on the statewide campaigns this year. "Petitioning requires six week of hard work with little time for our families. We do this because of our commitment to grassroots democracy and to providing real choices for voters on the ballot."
Some Greens actually enjoy petitioning. Carl Lundgren, who is coordinating the Green Party's petitioning efforts in New York City this year says, "I find petitioning to be a rewarding experience. It certainly takes time away from your regular activities and the weather can sometimes be less than cooperative, but the pleasure of participating in the democratic process more than makes up for it. I look on petitioning as an opportunity to get the Green message out to people and win some converts to our party."
"Since 1996, we Greens have surprised everyone with our successful petitioning drives. The reason? It's simple: lots of voters want to see us on the ballot," observed Jerry Kann, a Green Party candidate for New York City Council in 2003 and 2005. Kann is helping Lundgren coordinate Green Party petitioning in New York City this year.
Despite the party's loss of ballot status in 2002, six Greens have been elected to office in New York in the last three years. In 2005, Mike Sellers was elected Mayor of Village of Cobleskill, Mary Jo Long was elected to the Town Council of Afton, and Steven Krulick was re-elected a Trustee of the Village of Ellenville. Rome Celli was elected to the Brighton School Board in 2004, and Jason West and Rebecca Rotzler were elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor of the Village of New Paltz in 2003.
The party will file its petitions with the state Board of Elections before the end of the independent petitioning period on August 22, 2006.
Many folks can't make it to a live petitioning training.
For some people, it's hard to learn petitioning from a sheet of instructions.
Now, for the first time in Green Party of NY history. You can learn petitioning from this free online course.
Master Petitioner and Trainer David Levner gives this 58 minute "live" training broken into 6 easy to digest parts in both Windows Media Broadband and Dial-Up. You view and/or download each part and, when ready, go to the next. Video includes Questions and Answers from the audience (listen carefully) and involves both the legal technical part as well as techniques in persuading people to sign and maximizing your petition time for best yield.
Go to above link and start with Part 1 or download them all and play them from your desktop. The running time of each part is noted on the web page.
Brought to you by Third Planet Video (You know, that orb we're trying to save)
Craig Seeman
2006 Green Party Independent Nominating Petition
Petitioning for Green Party statewide candidates as independent candidates began today, Tuesday, July 11th and continues through Tuesday, August 22nd. Please contact your local Green Party officials, or the state Party officers, for important information on the proper procedures for petitioning and filling out the forms correctly.
Because, outside of Election Day, petitioning is the most important event for our Green Candidates.
Because, right now, this is the ONLY way to Green Party candidates on the ballot.
Because this is the year that our Gubernatorial candidate, Malachy McCourt, is going to get at least 50,000.
Because with 50,000 votes the Green Party regains ballot status.
Because when we have ballot status, we don't have to petition anymore!
Green Party Faces Petitioning Challenge
Green Party supporters across New York began petitioning today to get the party's statewide candidates on the ballot.
"I've been eager to get started," said Rachel Treichler from Hammondsport, the Party's nominee for attorney general. "It felt good to get petitions signed today. With all the petitioning going on for major party candidates, people have been wondering why the Greens aren't petitioning. We had to wait until today for the independent nominating petitioning period to begin because we don't have ballot status right now."
"The good thing about our independent status," Treichler observed, "is that any registered voter may sign our petitions."
2006 is the first opportunity the Green Party has had since 2002, when the party lost ballot status, to regain that status and become an official political party in New York. To become qualified to place their candidates on the ballot for the next four years, the party's candidate for governor, Malachy McCourt, needs to receive at least 50,000 votes in November. Before he can get those votes, party members have to get his name on the ballot.
Unlike the major parties that have ballot status and are able to place their statewide candidates on the ballot through a convention vote without petitioning, the Green Party must collect at least 15,000 signatures to place its candidates, chosen at the Green Party convention in Albany on May 20, on the ballot for the general election in November.
The burden is easier because all the party's five statewide candidates are slated together on one petition, so voters may sign for all five candidates with one signature. In addition to McCourt and Treichler, the Green Party's candidates are Alison Duncan for Lt. Governor, Julia Willebrand for Comptroller, and Howie Hawkins for US Senate. All are listed on the independent nominating petition Green Party supporters are circulating.
"Regaining ballot status is key," stressed Rebecca White, a Green Party candidate for State Senate in 2004, and a volunteer on the statewide campaigns this year. "Petitioning requires six week of hard work with little time for our families. We do this because of our commitment to grassroots democracy and to providing real choices for voters on the ballot."
Some Greens actually enjoy petitioning. Carl Lundgren, who is coordinating the Green Party's petitioning efforts in New York City this year says, "I find petitioning to be a rewarding experience. It certainly takes time away from your regular activities and the weather can sometimes be less than cooperative, but the pleasure of participating in the democratic process more than makes up for it. I look on petitioning as an opportunity to get the Green message out to people and win some converts to our party."
"Since 1996, we Greens have surprised everyone with our successful petitioning drives. The reason? It's simple: lots of voters want to see us on the ballot," observed Jerry Kann, a Green Party candidate for New York City Council in 2003 and 2005. Kann is helping Lundgren coordinate Green Party petitioning in New York City this year.
Despite the party's loss of ballot status in 2002, six Greens have been elected to office in New York in the last three years. In 2005, Mike Sellers was elected Mayor of Village of Cobleskill, Mary Jo Long was elected to the Town Council of Afton, and Steven Krulick was re-elected a Trustee of the Village of Ellenville. Rome Celli was elected to the Brighton School Board in 2004, and Jason West and Rebecca Rotzler were elected Mayor and Deputy Mayor of the Village of New Paltz in 2003.
The party will file its petitions with the state Board of Elections before the end of the independent petitioning period on August 22, 2006.
Many folks can't make it to a live petitioning training.
For some people, it's hard to learn petitioning from a sheet of instructions.
Now, for the first time in Green Party of NY history. You can learn petitioning from this free online course.
Master Petitioner and Trainer David Levner gives this 58 minute "live" training broken into 6 easy to digest parts in both Windows Media Broadband and Dial-Up. You view and/or download each part and, when ready, go to the next. Video includes Questions and Answers from the audience (listen carefully) and involves both the legal technical part as well as techniques in persuading people to sign and maximizing your petition time for best yield.
Go to above link and start with Part 1 or download them all and play them from your desktop. The running time of each part is noted on the web page.
Brought to you by Third Planet Video (You know, that orb we're trying to save)
Craig Seeman
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