Live Green, Vote Green
Over a thousand Greens from all over the world will be gathering in Chicago from July 10th-13th for the 2008 Green Party U.S. National Nominating Convention and Annual Meeting of the National Coordinating Committee.
On Thursday and Friday, a series of workshops will be held to help Greens learn from one another. A National Party Platform also will be adopted at the National Coordinating Committee Meeting.
On Saturday, the Green Party National Nominating Convention will select the Green Party candidate for the 2008 Presidential Election. Sunday will be a morning of workshops and conclude the meeting of the National Coordinating Committee.
Over a thousand Greens from all over the world will be gathering in Chicago from July 10th-13th for the 2008 Green Party U.S. National Nominating Convention and Annual Meeting of the National Coordinating Committee.
On Thursday and Friday, a series of workshops will be held to help Greens learn from one another. A National Party Platform also will be adopted at the National Coordinating Committee Meeting.
On Saturday, the Green Party National Nominating Convention will select the Green Party candidate for the 2008 Presidential Election. Sunday will be a morning of workshops and conclude the meeting of the National Coordinating Committee.
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