GPNYS Signs Tolerance for Immigrants Advertisement

The Green Party in NY has signed an ad paid for the Long Island Wins, a group of people working together to promote immigration solutions that include and work for everyone. The ad titled "A Plan to Fight Hate," ran in LI Newsday and can be seen here.

The ad was prompted by the recent murder of Ecuadoran immigrant Marcelo Lucer, and the government actions on immigrants.

The text follows.

A Plan to Fight Hate

Hate crime is a vicious cancer on a community. A few bad cells, in an unsuspecting host, and the
cancer grows. When politicians demonize immigrants, haters grow bolder.

We all know our US immigration system is broken, so local government steps in. But that’s no excuse
for politicians cultivating a climate of hate. So let’s start by cooling the rhetoric. And let’s focus
on practical policies to keep Long Island a diverse, productive community that will prosper in this
difficult economy.

Long Island Wins and all the undersigned organizations ask County Executive Steve Levy
and Suffolk County elected officials to:
1. End the cynical rhetoric demonizing immigrants;
2. Stop introducing legislation that results in profiling immigrants;
3. Create a 5-year plan to improve how we integrate immigrants coming into Suffolk County.

We’re happy to share our ideas. You can read more at

We all grieve the death of Marcelo Lucero. Let’s all work to ensure Long Island is the kind of place where this won’t happen again.