Calling all enrolled Greens! Come to the first Green Party of Brooklyn membership meeting of 2020, where we'll elect our officers, including Chair, Treasurer, Secretary, and two at-large members (nominations took place at our Dec. 4 meeting). We'll also take a look at proposed changes to our GPBK by-laws.
2020 is the election cycle for the Green Party of New York state committee, and any enrolled Green is eligible to petition to become a state committee member. Find out more at the meeting or contact [email protected].
All are welcome to join a discussion about Green Party candidates and issue campaigns for 2020. If you're considering running for office, come to the meeting or email us! We look forward to seeing you!
- February 05, 2020 at 6:30pm – 8:30pm
YWCA Brooklyn
30 Third Ave
Brooklyn, NY 11217
United States
Google map and directions -
Gloria Mattera