The next meeting of the Gotham Greens Local will take place on Wednesday, April 26, 7 - 9pm, at the LGBT Center, 208 West 13th Street, Room 110 (Please see the directions below).
The Gotham Greens Local is growing and thriving. Please join us in our work to help build the Green Party as a truly independent party for working people.
Directions to the LGBT Community Center: The Center is located between Greenwich and Seventh Avenues, on the south side of West 13th Street. Subway: Please take the A, C, or E train to 14 Street Station. Walk south from 14th Street on 8th Avenue, and turn left on Greenwich Avenue until you reach the intersection of 13th Street and Greenwich Avenue. Cross 13th Street, turn left and continue east until you reach the entrance to The Center on your right. Or, take the 1, 2, or 3 to 14th Street Station. Walk south on Seventh Avenue to 13th Street. Cross the street to the south side of 13th Street, and walk west, until you find the entrance to The Center on your left.
- April 26, 2017 at 7:00pm – 9pm
LGBT Community Center
208 W 13th St
New York, NY 10027
United States
Google map and directions