Be The Change You Want To See - Run For Office! The Green Party of New York is Looking for Progressives to Run for Elected Office! We run candidates and elect representatives who haven’t sold out to Wall Street or the Tea Party. We don’t take money from for-profit corporations. We are an independent local political party, and part of a global movement. Our candidates run to create public policy on important issues including climate change, police brutality, civil rights, income inequality, a living wage, affordable housing, open debates, corruption and corporate greed.
Current Green office holders have made an immediate impact on their communities as town council members, county commissioners, school board members etc. They reached out to voters of diverse backgrounds and have successfully brought together coalitions of community organizations and individuals to begin to reclaim their local governments.
The growth and movement of the Green Party of New York will continue in 2016, where all across this state candidates will challenge the two establishment parties. Please consider becoming a candidate for elective office next year.
We especially encourage people who are under-represented in elective office to consider running; women, African Americans, Latinos, Native Americans, Asian Americans, gays and lesbians, people with disabilities, young people and other minorities.
Is Running For Office Right For You?
Tired of marching in circles? Sick of begging officials for crumbs? Running for office lets you challenge them directly. Even if you don't win, the support you get can help change policy! Some key things you'll need:
A network of people who are willing to support you with time and money
Issues that matter to you AND your local community
Ability to connect with voters and ask for their support, both face to face and in public forums
Time and energy for your campaign
To Run As A Green You Must:
Be registered to vote as Green or Independent (no party)
Agree to uphold key Green Party positions on issues
Accept no endorsements from corporate parties
Fill out a questionnaire
Be approved by local Greens as well as the GPNYS Campaign Committee
Board of Election Requirements
Candidates for New York State Assembly and State Senate in 2016 must:
Green candidates must gather signatures from 5% of registered Greens in the district
Have 1 year residency in the county in which they are running
Have 5 years residency in New York State Be at least 18 years old
Important Dates
New York's election calendar has not been set yet for 2016. the primary may be held as early as June or as late as August, or more than one primary may be held, for Presidential, Congressional and state and local offices.
Interested in running for office as a Green Party candidate? Download the candidates questionnaire here!
There will also be a Green Party Campaign School event for prospective candidates. Sign up for our newsletter here to find out more!
If you or someone you know is considering running and have questions about the questionnaire or about running, contact Campaign Committee Co-chair Michael Emperor, [email protected]
2015-2016 Campaign Committee
Darin Robins, Co-Chair
Email: [email protected]
Mike Emperor, Co-Chair
Email: [email protected]
Gloria Mattera, Ursula Rozum, Mark Dunlea, Jim McCabe, Darin Robbins, Dani Liebling, Joseph Phillips, Jonathan Fluck, Dave Sutliff-Atias, Theresa Portelli
The Campaign Committee generally holds conference calls on the Second Thursday of the month. If you are interested in joining one of the calls, please send an e-mail to [email protected].
PLEASE NOTE: One need not be an elected member of the Campaign Committee to attend any meeting or conference call. All you need be is a registered Green. Only elected members can vote, but all are welcome to participate. If you are interested at all in campaigning and helping to get Greens elected throughout New York State, please consider attending, as there is much to do. For more information about the committee, please email one of the co-chairs listed above.
For current NY candidates, see the Candidates page.
For a complete list of current and past Green candidates in all states, vists the GP-US elections database.
Campaign Committee Bylaws