We hope that everyone is keeping well and safe during the COVID-19 pandemic although we know our state has been severely impacted by this public health crisis. The Green Party of New York has taken this into consideration so the 2020 presidential preference vote will be conducted by absentee ballot instead of an in-person State Party Nominating Convention.
All GPNY Members (enrolled New York State Greens and Supporting Members legally barred from registering to vote) are invited to participate in our presidential preference vote by absentee ballot. Download, print, and mail to the address listed on the absentee ballot linked here. Ballots must be postmarked by May 9th.
Greens will need to provide, with their ballot, information to enable verification of their Green Party enrollment or Supporting Member status.
There are 3 candidates on the GPNY absentee ballot: Howie Hawkins, Dario Hunter, and David Rolde. GPNY’s State Committee decided in February that the candidates who met the Green Party of the United States criteria for official recognition on April 1, 2020 would be the candidates on the GPNY ballot. These 3 candidates are the only ones to have met that benchmark.
A candidate’s forum between Hawkins, Hunter, and Rolde will be livestreamed prior to May 9th. Stay tuned for a follow-up announcement with the date/time and details on how to watch the livestream. In the meantime, you can find links to candidates websites and questionnaires here and the latest campaign news here.
Please also plan to join us on Saturday, May 16 for our "virtual" State Nominating Convention! The results of the presidential preference absentee ballot vote will be announced. Candidates who have won delegates will be invited to speak. Delegates will then be nominated and elected to attend the Green Party National Convention scheduled to take place July 9-12, in Detroit, Michigan. Stay tuned for agenda details and guest speakers.
Fill out the RSVP form to attend the May 16 Convention. An RSVP is requested for everyone in order to join the meeting. Only GPNY members (New York State enrolled Greens or Supporting Members legally barred from registering to vote) may vote. The form will help us to verify your enrollment or Supporting Member status and activate you in our database as an eligible voter.
For further details, go to: www.gpny.org/2020convention.