A newly released video from the campaign provides a summary of the thought-provoking "toxic tour" of the
18th NY City Council District hosted by Green Party candidate
Walt Nestler. The video follows the route of this bus tour as it makes stops at various contaminated sites. At each stop, Walt explains what the issues are and what should be done.
Renovation issues at Noble Park Following the (lost) money at Starlight Park Contamination at a former Loral manufacturing site Questioning why the Soundview Park recreation center is so far behind schedule The fact that no local professional firms have been hired for Bronx parks developments The glut of school bus storage lots and school bus idling on Zerega Avenue An uncovered Department of Sanitation salt pile that is polluting Westchester Creek Unknown contamination on the Zerega Avenue waterfront Community gardens with vegetables growing in contaminated soil, possibly making people sick High levels of mercury at Castle Hill point The lack of infrastructure on city streets that cause flooding and the build up of garbage after rain events Contaminated play areas on the Field of Dreams Community agreements that have not been honored regarding the soundview compost facility Illegal dumpingBut with each stop on the tour, the question was asked: where has the incumbent City Council Member Annabel Palma been on this issue? Why are no current elected officials on top of this?