Thank You For an Outstanding 2014 Convention

On May 17, GPNYS convened to nominate our candidates for Governor, Lt. Governor, Comptroller and Attorney General, in addition approving a 2014 platform and other party resolutions. It was a day of workshops and recognizing the work of State Committee members and Green Party activists and candidates from around New York. And now we are happy to announce our 2014 statewide candidates!

Governor of NY State: Howie Hawkins


Lt. Governor: Brian Jones


Comptroller: Theresa Portelli


Attorney General: Ramon Jimenez

The convention also featured Green and allied movement speakers:

Alice Green on Mass Incarceration


Dr, Andy Coates on Health Care Justice and Single-payer System


Special thanks to Craig Seeman for recording and editing video from the convention! We are also grateful to everyone who volunteered on-site and during convention preparations, and to the Sanctuary for Independent Media in Troy, NY.

The 2014 Platform Committee is working on the final formatting details of the platform that was adopted by registered Greens at the convention, which will be posted later this week along with more convention video!