Howie Hawkins, the Green Party candidate for governor in 2010 and 2014, is back in the political fray for the presidential election cycle.

In an email to Green Party Party supporters this weekend, Hawkins is pushing the candidacy of Jill Stein, the party’s 2012 candidate for president.

Specifically, Stein is kicking off her campaign is usually fertile territory for a Green Party candidate: college campuses.

Hawkins forwarded an email to supporters on Saturday with information on the fall organizing efforts as well as email drives to build a database of potential voters.

Hawkins last year was able to turn left-leaning dissatisfaction with Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo into votes: More than 50,000 – enough to give the party ballot access in the current election cycle.

Cuomo last year in part contended with a liberal challenge on his left: Fordham Law School professor Zephyr Teachout.

Now, Hillary Clinton is contending with her own liberal challenge from Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders. Whether Sanders can turn the large crowds he’s garnering around the country into votes remains to be seen.
