[From Cheektowaga Bee ]
Bellevue, is a Green Party candidate for the Cheektowaga Town Board. ]" href="http://www.cheektowagabee.com/sites/www.cheektowagabee.com/files/images/2011-09-22/5p1.jpg">

McGill, the Green Party candidate for Cheektowaga Town Board, has been riding his bike around town to meet and talk to voters. From the seat of his 18-speed, he has been spreading his message of a smarter, greener way to run the town. He’s also promising to serve as a full-time councilman.
“If our town has the highest taxes in Erie County, something’s not being run correctly, and this means we need a full-time council member who is focused on making Cheektowaga a better place to live,” he said.
McGill, 49, is a lifelong town resident, a graduate of Cheektowaga Central High School and a firefighter. He is a past chief and commissioner of Bellevue Fire Company and a past commissioner of the U-Crest Fire District.
McGill is one of seven candidates for three seats in the upcoming election. The others are incumbent Democrats Charles Markel and Richard Zydel, Republicans Angela Wozniak, Joseph Mesler and Roger Heymanowski and Democrat Gerald Kaminski.
When asked why he decided to run on the Green Party line, McGill said it’s because the two major parties don’t appeal to him.
Read more at Cheektowaga Bee